
Career Advancement Scheme

Here is a collection of G.O.s, Circulars, Notifications, Memorandum, Clarifications etc. related to Career Advancement Scheme for West Bengal Govt. Employees of different Departments.

3412-F dt. 08.11.2021Probation Period of Group C will be counted towards MCAS
329-Edn dt. 24.02.2021Determination of Workload of Graduate Laboratory Instructors
171-ENC dt. 04.02.2021Directorial Committee of Public Works Directorate
785-Edn dt. 24.09.2020Counting of Past Service rendered by University Employees
6042-F dt. 07.11.2019Career Advancement Scheme as per WBS (ROPA), 2019
314-Edn dt. 22.02.2019Assessment of Hours spent by College Teacher for Paper
228-Edn dt. 20.02.2019Assessment of Hours spent for Paper Setting in College
224-Edn dt. 16.03.2018CAS & Re-designation in Govt. Engg. Colleges – Clarification
198-EH dt. 07.12.2017New CAS for Teachers/ Librarians/ Physical Instructors
1373-Edn dt. 07.12.2017CAS of Teachers and Librarians in Govt.-aided Colleges
1343-Edn dt. 07.12.2017Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) of University Staff
4851-F dt. 04.08.2017Career Advancement Scheme/ Promotion Policy of LDAs/ LDCs
ED-605 dt. 23.11.2015CAS for Teachers/ Librarians of Colleges – Clarification
492-Edn dt. 19.11.2015Re-Designation and CAS for Teachers of Govt. Engg. Colleges
2171-Edn dt. 06.10.2015Clarification regarding CAS & Re-designation in Govt. Colleges
951-Edn dt. 06.10.2015Clarification regarding Re-Designation in Govt. Aided Colleges
HF-A3830 dt. 03.06.2015No. of ACR required for awarding 8/16, 10/20 yrs CAS Benefit
HF-A3830 dt. 03.06.2015No. of ACR required for awarding 8/16, 10/20 yrs CAS Benefit
333-Edn dt. 02.04.2015Promotion to Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade) – Clarification
312-Edn dt. 31.03.2015Eligibility of Promotion to Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade)
ED-404 dt. 31.03.2015Clarification – 920-Edn dated 31.12.2012 & 1196-Edn dated 31.12.2012
ED-403 dt. 31.03.2015Clarification – 922-Edn dated 14.11.2014 & 1262-Edn dated 14.11.2014
1262-Edn dt. 14.11.2014Redesignation & CAS for teachers, librarians and physical instructors
1097-Edn dt. 14.11.2014Redesignation & CAS for teachers and equivalent academic staff
922-Edn dt. 14.11.2014Redesignation & CAS for teachers and equivalent academic staff
855-FT dt. 21.06.2013New Grading in New Annual Performance Report (APR)
HF/149 dt. 11.06.2013Pay Structure of WBDES and WBDS Cadre after 25 years of Service
HF/148 dt. 11.06.2013Pay Structure of WBDES and WBDS Cadre after 25 years of Service
MA/1056 dt. 30.04.2013Scale Movement of officers belonging to WBHS & WBPH & AS Cadre
3101-F dt. 17.04.2013Grading in New Annual Performance Report (APR)
1197-Edn dt. 31.12.2012CAS for the Teachers of State-aided-Universities
1196-Edn dt. 31.12.2012CAS of Teachers, Librarians, Physical Instructors of GovT. Colleges
920-Edn dt. 31.12.2012CAS of Teachers, Librarians, Physical Instructors of State aided Colleges
10581-F dt. 28.12.2012Scale movement of Officers of West Bengal State Constituted Service
10580-F dt. 28.12.2012Amendment to Career Advancement Scheme
10098-F dt. 20.10.2010Principles of Movement of Strenographers to Higher Scales
30-SE dt. 10.02.2010Pay Fixation of Teacher – Some Clarifications.
8540-F dt. 02.09.2009CAS and MCAS Benefit of Fire Operator and Leader
3400-F dt. 08.05.2009Pay Fixation Procedure of Pharmacist as per CAS and MCAS
980-ICA dt. 07.04.2009CAS Benefits of Bengali Translator
2312-F dt. 24.03.2009Procedure of Pay Fixation of Nursing Staff for CAS-90 and MCAS-01
MA/420 dt. 27.02.2006Medical officer CAS
1387-SS dt. 09.11.2005Observation of Finance Deptt. in case of award of CAS
DT-1649 dt. 27.09.2005EOL not taking into accounting for 10/8, 20/16 and 25 yrs
475 dt. 31.03.2005Fixation of pay of 20 years benefit after enjoying Grade-I promotion
505-F dt. 14.01.2004Grade-I posts created prior 1.4.81 to be treated as functional posts
13989-F dt. 26.12.2003Ratification of Higher Grade posts under promotion policy
13988-F dt. 26.12.2003Ratification of Higher Grade posts under promotion policy
5087-F dt. 25.04.2003Clarification of fixation of pay
198-F dt. 18.02.2003Stagnation of Pay
9637-F dt. 26.09.2002Fixation of pay in case of stagnation increment
6801-F dt. 03.07.2002Work charged employees allowed 25 years benefit
356-F dt. 29.05.2002Creation of Post in Higher Scale as per Promotion Policy
11542-F dt. 20.12.2001Clarification of fixation of pay
9775-F dt. 19.10.2001Clarification of G.O. No. 3015-F dt. 13.03.2001
3015-F dt. 13.03.2001Modified Career Advancement Scheme
10620-F dt. 19.12.2000MCAS and assessment of accountability and efficiency of employee
9120-F dt. 13.11.2000Wilful delay/refuses promotion within 10/20 years not admissible
5539-F dt. 27.06.2000Work Charge employee brought under regular establishment
4661-F dt. 02.05.1995Clarification of No. 9735-F dt. 10.10.1990 and 1021-F dt. 30.01.1992
775-F dt. 20.01.1995Benefit to Scale No. 16 holding Teaching and allied Post
MA/2409 dt. 26.10.1994CAS of Health Service Officers
6871-F dt. 01.07.1994Counting of Service of Work Charged employee of C.A.S.
960-F dt. 27.01.1994Disparity of Pay of the Senior and Junior – Pay Protection
706-F dt. 19.01.1994Fixation of Pay in case of Stagnation Increment
4970-F dt. 26.04.1993A.C.R. Rating of Gr.-A posts
8460-F dt. 11.08.1992Fixation of Pay of Executive Engineers
1021-F dt. 30.01.1992Fixation of Pay with examples
5962-F dt. 25.06.1991Clarifications of CAS
5961-F dt. 25.06.1991Clarifications of CAS
9735-F dt. 10.10.1990Clarifications of CAS
6075-F dt. 21.06.1990Career Advancement Scheme
8555-F dt. 18.09.1985Statement of Promotion Policy of Engineers
5916-F dt. 05.08.1981Statement on Promotion Policy

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