
Finance Department – Archive, 2018

West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2018.

8012-F dt. 27.12.2018Granting HRA to Employee whose Spouse also Works
7966-F dt. 24.12.2018Half day Holiday to mourn Nirupam Sen’s Death
7791-F dt. 17.12.2018Web-socket based Digital Signature Certificate in IFMS
7790-F dt. 17.12.2018Transfer of Pension from Treasuries through IFMS
7580-F dt. 07.12.2018Drawal authority for Drawing and Disbursing Officers
6989-F dt. 19.11.2018Revised Norms of Tender Acceptance on 2nd/ Subsequent Call
6979-F dt. 16.11.2018Swasthya Sathi Scheme for Statutory Commissions
6846-F dt. 12.11.2018Sectional Holiday on account of Chhat Puja, 2018
6812-F dt. 05.11.2018Holiday List for West Bengal Govt. Employees, 2019
6808-F dt. 05.11.2018Inclusion of HoA for e-Receipts of Directorate of State Lotteries
4112-F dt. 01.11.2018Group Insurance Scheme 1987 – Table of Benefits, 2018-19
4111-F dt. 01.11.2018Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2018 to 31.12.2018)
6713-F dt. 31.10.2018Sixth Pay Commission – Further Extension of Term of Office
6649-F dt. 26.10.2018Amendment of Rule 47 of WBFR regarding Office Vehicle
101-F dt. 11.10.2018Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme – Last Date: 31.03.2019
6371-F dt. 04.10.2018Basic Health Cover under Swasthya Sathi raised to 5 lacs
6333-F dt. 03.10.2018Introduction of Exit Management Sub-Module in HRMS
6284-F dt. 28.09.2018Deduction and Deposit of TDS on GST by the DDO
6178-F dt. 25.09.2018Retirement Age of Nursing Personnel Enhanced to 62 years
6159-F dt. 24.09.2018Treatment of Absence on 26.09.2018 for Bandh/Strike
1355-FT dt. 14.09.2018Modalities for Market Value Assessment of Land in W.B.
5965-F dt. 14.09.2018Role of Departmental Tender Committee
5951-F dt. 14.09.2018Entry of Nomination and Family Details in HRMS
5930-F dt. 13.09.2018Half Holiday on account of Viswakarma Puja, 2018
509-F dt. 12.09.2018Pension Adalat for resolving Grievances for Pensioners, 2018
5808-F dt. 10.09.2018Furnishing Hard Copy of Beneficiary List to Treasury
5798-F dt. 07.09.2018Treatment of Absence on 10.09.2018 for Bandh/Strike
5744-F dt. 06.09.2018SAR of Employees under West Bengal Stenographers Service
5721-F dt. 05.09.2018Compulsory Registration under GST as Tax Deductor
5709-F dt. 05.09.2018Ensuring Adequate Allotment to DDOs and Drawal of Bills, 2018
5692-F dt. 04.09.2018Sectional Holiday on account of Karam Puja, 2018
5480-F dt. 24.08.2018Procurement of Certain Articles only through GeM
5430-F dt. 23.08.2018Revised Provisions for Procurement through GeM
5321-F dt. 17.08.2018Half day Holiday to mourn Vajpayee’s Death
72-F dt. 14.08.2018Delay in Submission of Medical Reimbursement Claim
67-F dt. 08.08.2018Online Bill Submission by HCOs in West Bengal Health Portal
4949-F dt. 03.08.2018Assignment of Role of Primary User/ Secondary User in GeM
2894-F dt. 26.07.2018Rate of Interest on GPF (01.07.2018 to 30.09.2018)
4718-F dt. 24.07.2018Categories of Bill to be accepted by Treasuries/ PAOs, 2018
4609-F dt. 18.07.2018Splitting of Works/ Increase in Scope of Work during Execution
4608-F dt. 18.07.2018Additional Performance Security when Bid is 80% or Less
4472-F dt. 12.07.2018Introduction of Deputation Sub-Module of HRMS
4456-F dt. 11.07.2018Provisions in WBTR, 2005 in regard to DDO Functioning
354-F dt. 06.07.2018Dearness Relief to Pensioners (pre-revised) w.e.f. 01.01.2019
353-F dt. 06.07.2018Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2019
4201-F dt. 02.07.2018Economy Measures on Non-Plan Government Expenditure
4179-F dt. 29.06.2018DDOs of Stenographers are to Update in HRMS Module
4175-F dt. 29.06.2018Rationalization and Optimal Utilisation of Human Resources
4038-F dt. 21.06.2018DA to Employees (Pre-Revised Scale) from January, 2019
4037-F dt. 21.06.2018Dearness Allowance @125% w.e.f. January, 2019
2229-F dt. 20.06.2018Recovery of GPF Temporary Advance before Retirement
3957-F dt 18.06.2018Submission of detailed Contingent Bill (DC) in new head of account
3924-F dt. 15.06.2018Festival Advance to Education/ Panchayat/ Local Bodies Staff
3876-F dt. 14.06.2018Procurement of Goods and Services through GeM
3833-F dt. 13.06.2018Holiday for Celebration of Jamai Sasthi, 2018
3661-F dt. 07.06.2018Extension of dates for getting more bids in case of insufficient bidders
3595-F dt. 05.06.2018Mandatory use of e-billing module of IFMS for drawal of various claims
1999-F dt. 05.06.2018Online GPF Module to Group D Work Charged Employees
3554-F dt. 04.06.2018Revision of delegated financial power under Home & Hill Affairs
1960-F dt. 04.06.2018Group Insurance Scheme 1987 – New Table of Benefits, 2017-18
288-F dt. 01.06.2018Ex-gratia Payment to West Bengal Govt. Pensioners, 2018
1924-F dt. 31.05.2018Approval of Opening Balance of GPF (Group D Employees)
3427-F dt. 30.05.2018Bonus/Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2017-18
3426-F dt. 30.05.2018Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2018
3425-F dt. 30.05.2018Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2017-18
3278-F dt. 23.05.2018Inclusion of HoA for e-Receipts of Directorate of State Lotteries
3260-F dt. 22.05.2018Ensuring adequate allotment to DDOs and drawal of Bills
172-FB dt 10.05.2018Regular review of fund utilization and timely surrender of funds
2899-F dt. 07.05.2018Extension of Swasthya Sathi Scheme for Cable Operators
2861-F dt. 06.05.2018Guidelines for Self Appraisal Report of Group-A Officers
2748-F dt. 27.04.2018Online System of Self Appraisal Report for Group-A Officers
2339-F dt. 27.04.2018Panchayat General Elections 2018 – Revised Public Holiday
35-F dt. 24.04.2018Relaxation in Income Limit for Medical Treatment
1415-F dt. 23.04.2018Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2018 to 30.06.2018)
1353-F dt. 18.04.2018Control and Management of GPF (Group D Employees) – Clarification
2739-F dt. 12.04.2018Treatment of Absence on 13.04.2018 for Bandh/Strike
2161-F dt. 04.04.2018Panchayat General Elections 2018 – Public Holiday
2065-F dt. 31.03.2018Additional Holiday on account of May Day in West Bengal
28-F dt. 29.03.2018Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme – Last Date: 30.09.2018
2015-F dt 28.03.2018Modification of Order No. 1466-F dated 09.03.2018
1872-F dt. 26.03.2018Administrative Expenditure and State Development Schemes
1659-F dt. 16.03.2018Delegation of Financial Powers under Health & Family Welfare Dept
1560-F dt. 14.03.2018T.R. Form 7C for depositing money for GPF
1466-F dt. 09.03.2018Transfer of funds to LF/PL/Deposit Accounts
1276-F dt. 05.03.2018Introduction of Newly Introduced Sub-Modules of HRMS
1262-F dt. 28.02.2018CUG connections for the Officers of Treasuries and PAOs
734-F dt. 28.02.2018Control and Management of GPF (Group D Employees)
83-F dt. 21.02.2018Deposit/ Recovery of Foreign Service Contribution (FSC)
1033-F dt. 20.02.2018Execution of Works for funds allotted under detail HoA 53/60
971-F dt. 16.02.2018Certain cases requiring concurrence of Finance Group-T
942-F dt. 15.02.2018Enhancement of DFPR for engagement of RITES and WAPCOS
926-F dt. 13.02.2018Inclusion of Head of Account for e-Receipts of Home & Hill Affairs
847-F dt. 09.02.2018Monthly withdrawal limit from Deposit Account of WBMSCL
407-F dt. 07.02.2018Rate of Interest on GPF (01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018)
327-F dt. 01.02.2018New designation of Officers posted in FA set up
380-F dt. 18.01.2018Manual Refund Procedure of SGST
338-F dt. 17.01.2018Modalities of Inter-Treasury Transfer of Funds
302-F dt. 16.01.2018Update Basic Information of Stenographers into SRIS
257-F dt. 11.01.2018AA&FS must be endorsed with Allotment Orders
222-F dt. 10.01.2018Advance Planning for Making Expenditure in Next FY

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