West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2009.
Notification | Subject |
11409-F dt. 29.12.2009 | Fixation in respect of WBSLRS and Special Revenue Officer |
10902-F dt. 19.12.2009 | D.A. to the State Govt. employees, Teachers & non-teachers |
11143-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Cash Handling Allowance as Additional Remuneration |
11142-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Overtime Allowance to Driver, Cleaner, Helper, Khalasi |
11141-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Grant of Tiffin Allowance to Mechanical Staff (Automobiles) |
11140-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Rate of Deputation Allowance |
11139-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Extra Duty Allowance for Darwans/ Night Guards |
11138-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Grant of Tiffin Allowance to Orderlies and Office Peons |
11137-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Washing Kit maintenance Allowance |
11136-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Sundarban Allowance and Risk/ Hazard Allowance |
11135-F dt. 18.12.2009 | Sundarban Allowance for Protocol Duties by Secretariat Assistants |
11109-F dt. 17.12.2009 | Extension of term of 5th Pay Commission |
1123-F dt. 16.12.2009 | Clarification under the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2009 |
10935-F dt. 10.12.2009 | ECS Payment in respect of Group A |
10924-F dt. 10.12.2009 | Age limit of typist, permanent steno-typist, permanent clerk-cum-typist |
10900-F dt. 09.12.2009 | D.A. To the State Govt. Employees and Daily Rated workers |
1110-F dt. 07.12.2009 | D.R to State Govt. pensioners/ family pensioners w.e.f. 01.12.2009 |
10808-F dt. 04.12.2009 | Revision on scale of pay of Revenue Officer/ Special Revenue Officer |
10640-F dt. 27.11.2009 | Winter Allowance/ Hill Compensatory allowance/ relief |
10633-F dt. 27.11.2009 | Fixation of Pay of Employees on Transfer/ Transfer on Promotion |
1046-F dt. 19.11.2009 | Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners |
10251-F dt. 17.11.2009 | Submission of Attendance Report of West Bengal Govt Employee |
9872-F dt 30.10.2009 | Order on giving priority on RTI cases |
933-F dt. 26.10.2009 | Clarification against No. 200- F dt. 25.02.2009 |
921-F dt. 23.10.2009 | Clarification iro Memo. No. 460-F dt. 20.05.2009 |
9568-F dt. 21.10.2009 | Fixation of Pay of West Bengal Junior Audit & Accounts Service |
9420-F dt. 13.10.2009 | Amendment to Sub-rule(2) of rule 4.170 of WBTR |
9373-F dt. 12.10.2009 | Amendment to Sub-rule (1) of rule 10 of GPF Rules |
9203-F dt. 05.10.2009 | Guidelines for Filling up of Gr. B, C and D Post through PSC |
18-O&M dt. 30.09.2009 | Supply of daily newspapers and periodicals at Govt. cost |
9099-F dt. 23.09.2009 | Revision of the date of effect of benefit of merger to officers of WBJA&S |
8939-F dt. 16.09.2009 | Release of Bills Pertaining to Arrear Pay & Allowances |
1300-F dt. 11.09.2009 | Housing Loan Scheme under UBI – Special Offer |
8703-F dt. 08.09.2009 | Enhancement of power of Pr. Secretary/ Secretary of H&FW, Deptt. |
8662-F dt. 07.09.2009 | Revised Rate of Remuneration to the Part-time Contingent Staff |
814-F dt. 04.09.2009 | Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. pensioners |
8605-F dt. 03.09.2009 | Grant of Ad-hoc bonus to State Govt. employees |
8572-F dt. 03.09.2009 | Financial Assistance to the Clubs of Govt. Employees |
8540-F dt. 02.09.2009 | CAS and MCAS Benefit of Fire Operator and Leader |
8482-F dt. 01.09.2009 | Facility of Telephone at the Residence of Government Employees |
8301-F dt. 26.08.2009 | Notification on E-payment and E-receipt |
1126-F dt. 25.08.2009 | Availability of Discounted Air-Fare Tickets for Official Tours/ LTC |
1228-LA dt. 24.08.2009 | Delegation of power for authentication of order – Speaker of WBLA |
5-CAB dt. 20.08.2009 | Re-employment and sending of proposal to the Cabinet Secretariat |
8157-F dt. 20.08.2009 | Release of bill pertaining to arrear to retired Govt. employees |
731-F dt. 12.08.2009 | Raising of Income Ceiling for widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughters |
5509-F dt. 06.08.2009 | Regarding drawal of bills against allotments and relaxation thereof |
7343-F dt. 28.07.2009 | Pay Scale of Manager and Project Officer of Tourism Directorate |
7220-F dt. 23.07.2009 | Recommendation of Pay Commission in respect of 53 Organization |
7102-F dt. 22.07.2009 | Short fall of statutory deduction of GPF-recovery thereof |
6993-F dt. 14.07.2009 | Amendment of Public Service Commission Regulations |
6961-F dt. 15.07.2009 | Revised pay structure of re-employed pensioners- effect of actual benefit |
6883-F dt. 14.07.2009 | Amendment of PSC Regulations, 08 vide No. 9103-F dt. 03.12.08 |
632-F dt. 13.07.2009 | Recommendation of Pay Committee to allow additional pension @ 20% |
6864-F dt. 10.07.2009 | Deduction of short fall of GPF below 6% in terms of ROPA Rules, 09 |
6738-F dt. 09.07.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay of Welfare Officer under Jail Deptt. |
578-F dt. 01.07.2009 | Revision of Pension guided by French Pension Rules |
6046-F dt. 25.06.2009 | West Bengal Services Driver, Grade-I & II Recruitment Rules, 2009 |
5868-F dt. 24.06.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay of Wireless Operator, Wireless Supervisor |
541-F dt. 23.06.2009 | Intimation to Public Sector Banks for revision of Pension/ Family Pension |
5797-F dt. 22.06.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay of Sower/ Head Sower of Mounted Police |
5160-F dt. 12.06.2009 | Rate of interest payable on GPF contribution w.e.f. 01.04.2008 |
4429-F dt. 08.06.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay of different Warders under Jail Deptt |
4263-F dt. 04.06.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay of Excise Constable/ Asstt. Sub-Inspector |
4095-F dt. 01.06.2009 | Corrigendum to GO. No. 3951-F dt. 27.05.2009 |
3951-F dt. 27.05.2009 | Fixation of Pay and drawal of remuneration of re-employed Pensioners |
3950-F dt. 27.05.2009 | Order for release of 1st installment of arrear in terms ROPA, 09 |
3810-F dt. 21.05.2009 | Amendment of prescribed Forms (10A &10B) |
3763-F dt. 21.05.2009 | Submission of GPF nomination |
472-F dt. 21.05.2009 | Revision of pay scales of some of posts under different Departments |
3727-F dt. 20.05.2009 | Pay of Group-D employees paid out of contingency |
460-F dt. 20.05.2009 | Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners |
3702-F dt. 19.05.2009 | Modification of No. 7283-F dt. 19.09.08 on exercising fresh option |
317-FB dt. 18.05.2009 | Cost Ceiling Limit of Construction/ Acquisition of House/ Flat |
3400-F dt. 08.05.2009 | Pay Fixation Procedure of Pharmacist as per CAS and MCAS |
3336-F dt. 05.05.2009 | West Bengal Services Recruitment of English Typists Rules, 2008 |
3326-F dt. 05.05.2009 | West Bengal Services (Group D) Recruitment Rules, 2009 |
3300-F dt. 04.05.2009 | Enhancement of rate of daily wages for Casual Workers |
3299-F dt. 04.05.2009 | D.A. to the State Govt. Employees who are not under ROPA, 09 |
3080-F dt. 22.04.2009 | D.A. to Employees of PSU Panchayat Bodies w.e.f. 01.04.09 |
359-F dt. 16.04.2009 | Modification of Single Comprehensive Form |
2817-F dt. 09.04.2009 | Indication of 1st and Last subscriptions in GPF credit schedules |
2728-F dt. 07.04.2009 | Clarifications of ROPA, 2009 |
2492-F dt. 30.03.2009 | Rate of interest of H.B. Loan sanctioned by UBI House Loan Scheme |
2382-F dt. 25.03.2009 | Procedure of Pay Fixation of Employees on Deputation |
2312-F dt. 24.03.2009 | Procedure of Pay Fixation of Nursing Staff for CAS-90 and MCAS-01 |
2367-F dt. 18.03.2009 | Rate of interest of H.B. Loan sanctioned by WBSCB |
2014-F dt. 09.03.2009 | Clarification of fixation of pay in terms ROPA, ’09 |
1960-F dt. 05.03.2009 | Guidelines of fixation of pay of the WBA&AS Officers |
2602-F dt. 05.03.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay of Revenue Inspector of L&LR |
1818-F dt. 27.02.2009 | Revision of scale of pay of Naik and Havilder/ Head Constable etc. |
1817-F dt. 27.02.2009 | Revision of scale of pay of Constable/ Sepoy and ASI/ Jamadar |
1807-F dt. 27.02.2009 | Extension of period of fifth Pay Commission |
202-F dt. 25.02.2009 | Grant of Relief on Pension to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners |
201-F dt. 25.02.2009 | Pension/ Gratuity/ Commutation of Post 01.01.2016 Pensioners |
200-F dt. 25.02.2009 | Revision of Pension of Pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners |
1723-F dt. 24.02.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay of Medical Technologist |
1722-F dt. 24.02.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay Pharmacist Gr.III & Gr.I |
1683-F dt. 23.02.2009 | Amendment of No. 7744-F dt. 15.10.2008 |
1682-F dt. 23.02.2009 | Amendment of No. 7752-F dt. 15.10.2008 |
1370-F dt. 12.02.2009 | D.A. To the State Govt. Employees w.e.f. 01.03.09 @ 6% |
1340-F dt. 11.02.2009 | Further Steps to Streamline the GPF Works |
136-F dt. 09.02.2009 | Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners |
794-F dt. 28.01.2009 | CAS benefit in r/o Sub-Asstt. Engineer |
766-F dt. 27.01.2009 | Revision of Scale of Pay of Revenue Inspector |
747-F dt. 27.01.2009 | Facility of Telephone to the Govt. Employee |
431-F dt. 14.01.2009 | Framing of Amending recruitment rules for posts/services |
219-F dt. 07.01.2009 | Facility of Telephone to the Govt. Employee |
1860-F dt. 06.01.2009 | Rate of interest of House Building Loan |