West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2017.
Notification | Subject |
5724-F dt. 28.12.2017 | Re-Organization of the system of Financial Advisor |
2297-F dt. 28.12.2017 | Constitution of West Bengal Revenue Service |
7906-F dt. 22.12.2017 | e-Service Book in IFMS-HRMS – Draft Format |
7889-F dt. 22.12.2017 | Reduced GST on Marble, Granite, Plywood, Tiles, Glass etc. |
1324-F dt. 20.12.2017 | Financial Power for according Administrative Approval |
7806-F dt. 19.12.2017 | Approval of Cabinet in case of non-filling of non-PSC posts |
7415-F dt. 04.12.2017 | Applicability of WBFR for Procurements in Parastatals |
7381-F dt. 30.11.2017 | Scale-wise Re-Distribution of Posts of Personal Assistants |
7284-F dt. 27.11.2017 | Enhancement of Remuneration of part time Karmabandhu |
7283-F dt. 27.11.2017 | Employees of Darjeeling and Kalimpong will get Special CL |
2120-F dt. 27.11.2017 | Exemption to Taxpayers of Darjeeling and Kalimpong |
7245-F dt. 24.11.2017 | Death Benefit for Casual/ Daily Rated/ Contractual Workers |
6959-F dt. 08.11.2017 | Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund (01.10.2017 to 31.12.2017) |
4581-F dt. 14.11.2017 | Head of Office may Hire New Vehicle for Use |
1112-F dt. 14.11.2017 | Upper Cost Ceiling Limit to buy Flat by Employee |
6943-F dt. 13.11.2017 | Input Tax Credit under GST to Vendor/ Contractor |
6737-F dt. 07.11.2017 | Sixth Pay Commission – Further Extension of Term |
6712-F dt. 06.11.2017 | DA and HRA to directly appointed to Group ‘C’ Employees |
4521-F dt. 03.11.2017 | Group Insurance Scheme 1987 – Table of Benefits, 2017-18 |
953-F dt. 31.10.2017 | Re-Enrolment under Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme |
563-F dt. 30.10.2017 | Recovery of Interim Relief paid to the Pensioners |
6415-F dt. 23.10.2017 | Introduction of New TR Form No. 51 |
6260-F dt. 13.10.2017 | Sectional Holiday on account of Chhat Puja, 2017 |
6142-F dt. 10.10.2017 | Modification of Rule 47D sub rule (1) of WBFR |
6133-F dt. 10.10.2017 | General Holiday on account of Chhat Puja, 2017 |
6029-F dt. 22.09.2017 | Sanction-cum-Allotment Order with G.O. for AA&FS |
6005-F dt. 22.09.2017 | Holiday List for West Bengal Govt. Employees, 2018 |
890-F dt. 21.09.2017 | Enrolment under Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme (31.03.2018) |
867-F dt. 20.09.2017 | HoA for Refund of Unutilized funds lying in PL/LF and Bank Account |
5801-F dt. 14.09.2017 | Discontinue Reports/ Registers at Treasuries/ PAOs |
5759-F dt. 13.09.2017 | Festival Advance to all Employees of Darjeeling |
5754-F dt. 13.09.2017 | e-Office and Go-Live in West Bengal – State Level Committee |
5751-F dt. 13.09.2017 | Selection of Group – B and C posts by Public Service Commission |
5741-F dt. 12.09.2017 | Surrender of Funds lying in PL/Deposit Accounts – Clarifications |
5726-F dt. 12.09.2017 | Dearness Allowance to Employees (Pre-Revised Scale) from Jan, 2018 |
5725-F dt. 12.09.2017 | Dearness Allowance to Other than Govt. Employees wef Jan, 2018 |
5724-F dt. 12.09.2017 | Dearness Allowance @100% w.e.f. January, 2018 |
505-F dt. 12.09.2017 | Dearness Relief to Pensioners (pre-revised) w.e.f. 01.01.2018 |
504-F dt. 12.09.2017 | Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2018 |
5594-F dt. 06.09.2017 | Extension of Coverage of “Swasthya Sathi” Scheme |
782-F dt. 05.09.2017 | Utilization Certificate for Centrally Sponsored Schemes |
5536-F dt. 04.09.2017 | Surrender of unutilized State Funds lying in PL/Deposit/Bank Account |
5516-F dt. 04.09.2017 | HoA for e-receipt of deposit of PHE through GRIPS |
5469-F dt. 01.09.2017 | Payment of Salary for the Month of September, 2017 |
5304-F dt. 25.08.2017 | Prescribed Format for Submission of Information to Finance |
5299-F dt. 25.08.2017 | Sectional Holiday on account of Karam Puja, 2017 |
5277-F dt. 24.08.2017 | Access for viewing various MIS reports in IFMS |
5133-F dt. 18.08.2017 | WBPSC (Conditions of Service and Misc Provisions) Regulation |
5050-F dt. 16.08.2017 | Clarification/ Guidelines for Pre-GST and Post-GST Contracts |
660-FB dt. 08.08.2017 | Online System for Credit Confirmation and Release of Funds |
4851-F dt. 04.08.2017 | Career Advancement Scheme/ Promotion Policy of LDAs/ LDCs |
4821-F dt. 03.08.2017 | Enhancement of Maternity Leave for Contractual Employees |
4802-F dt. 02.08.2017 | Inclusion of Head of Account for e-Receipts of Labour Department |
4757-F dt. 01.08.2017 | Web Portal of “Service Record Information System (SRIS)” |
581-FB dt. 25.07.2017 | Inclusion of certain costs under capital expenditure |
565-FB dt. 21.07.2017 | Loans and Advances of State Govt. for 2016-2017 |
558-FB dt. 20.07.2017 | Opening of 35 HoA on Receipt side and 2 HoA in Public Account |
3314-F dt. 18.07.2017 | In-service training of Officers of State Constituted Services |
4406-F dt. 14.07.2017 | Registration by DDO under GST as Deductor of Tax |
1278-FT dt. 14.07.2017 | Corrigendum to 1126-FT dated 28.06.2017 |
4378-F dt. 13.07.2017 | Extension of Last Date for Submission of Bids is not 2nd Call |
4374-F dt. 13.07.2017 | Amendment of Rule 47(9)(b) of WBFR due to Introduction of GST |
4343-F dt. 12.07.2017 | Annual Increment to LDA/ LDC being Appointed on Promotion |
4341-F dt. 12.07.2017 | Treatment of Absence on 17.07.2017 for Bandh/Strike |
4083-F dt. 30.06.2017 | Holiday on account of Birth Day of Late Dr. B.C. Roy, 2017 |
1136-FT dt. 28.06.2017 | Non-Taxable Services – WBGST |
1126-FT dt. 28.06.2017 | Non-Taxable Goods – WBGST |
1015 dt. 28.06.2017 | Deduction of STDS with effect from 01.07.2017 |
411-FB dt. 23.06.2017 | Opening Heads of Account for accounting of GST |
3922-F dt. 22.06.2017 | Performance Report for Personal Assistant (Basic Grade) |
1068-FT dt. 21.06.2017 | West Bengal Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 |
3836-FT dt. 19.06.2017 | Provisions regarding Dynamic e-Auction Process in West Bengal |
307-F dt. 14.06.2017 | Ex-gratia Payment to West Bengal Govt. Pensioners, 2017 |
3712-F dt. 13.06.2017 | Submission of bill through IFMS-HRMS Module |
3709-F dt. 13.06.2017 | Bonus/Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2016-17 |
3708-F dt. 13.06.2017 | Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2017 |
3707-F dt. 13.06.2017 | Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2016-17 |
3685-F dt. 13.06.2017 | Irregular Deposition of Income Tax through TR-7 Challan |
3665-F dt. 12.06.2017 | Amendment of FD Memo No. 5630-F dated 28.10.2016 |
3595-F dt. 11.06.2017 | Office Attendance during Indefinite Bandh called by GJM |
3490-F dt. 05.06.2017 | Re-delegation of Financial Power |
3368-F dt. 31.05.2017 | Restriction on Transfer of Fund from Scheme Head to Bank Accounts |
3261-F dt. 25.05.2017 | Ensuring Adequate Allotment to DDOs and Drawal of Bills |
3151-F dt. 22.05.2017 | Holiday for Celebration of Jamai Sasthi, 2017 |
3130-F dt. 19.05.2017 | Stakeholder, Leave, Loan and TA or DA sub-modules of HRMS |
3007-F dt. 16.05.2017 | HoA for e-receipt of deposit of I&W through GRIPS |
2867-F dt. 11.05.2017 | WB Agro Industries Corporation Ltd. included in Annexure-C |
1759-F dt. 03.05.2017 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017) |
2691-F dt. 02.05.2017 | Performance Bank Guarantee |
2676-F dt. 02.05.2017 | Cadre Schedule of the Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers |
2675-F dt. 02.05.2017 | Promotion Policy of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers in West Bengal |
2592-F dt. 27.04.2017 | Number of Authorised Officers for Evaluation/ Opening e-Tender |
2517-F dt. 25.04.2017 | Financial Power of CP Kolkata |
110-F dt. 25.04.2017 | Online Re-appropriation System through e-Bantan for 2017-18 |
2460-F dt. 21.04.2017 | Revised procedure for issuance of PPO from DPPG |
2546-F dt. 21.04.2017 | Revised Procedure of Issuance of PPO from DPPG, W.B. |
2452-F dt. 21.04.2017 | Benefit of Child Care Leave in respect of Adopted Child |
361-F dt. 18.04.2017 | Eligibility of Gr. C Employees for Enrollment under WBHS |
2240-F dt. 12.04.2017 | Procurement of Computer Consumables (Ribbons, Toners, Cartridges) |
31-FB dt. 10.04.2017 | Procedure for Drawal of Funds under the Scheme “Somobyathi” |
282-F dt. 30.03.2017 | Enrolment under Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme (30.09.2017) |
1888-F dt. 29.03.2017 | Issue of Order Cheque for Payment to Resource Division |
1834-F dt. 28.03.2017 | Creation of postsat L&LR Deptt in newly created Kalimpong District |
1776-F dt. 24.03.2017 | Clarification on Rule 47D of WBFR |
1083-F dt. 23.03.2017 | Group Insurance Scheme 1983 – Table of Benefits, (469-492nd) |
1602-F dt. 17.03.2017 | Local Holiday for Bye-Election at Kanthi Dakshin Constituency |
1724-FB dt. 16.03.2017 | Amendment of Guarantee Redemption Fund, 2014 |
1723-FB dt. 16.03.2017 | Amendment to Consolidated Sinking Fund |
1722-FB dt. 16.03.2017 | Amendment to Consolidated Sinking Fund |
1512-F dt. 15.03.2017 | Mandatory use of e-bill for TR 70 and 70B |
171-F dt. 09.03.2017 | Uploading Photo, Signature, Blood Group – WB Health Portal |
1410-F dt. 08.03.2017 | Advertisement and Publicity Expenses by I&CA – Financial Power |
1402-F dt. 08.03.2017 | Detailed Contingency Bill in TR 28 against Multiple Advances |
1371-F dt. 07.03.2017 | Submission of Bill to Treasuries – No more Annexures |
1349-F dt. 06.03.2017 | Implementation of HRMS-IFMS for Grant-in-aid Colleges |
1348-F dt. 06.03.2017 | Implementation of HRMS-IFMS for Payment of Wages |
1338-F dt. 06.03.2017 | Service Benefits of Contractual Group-‘D’ Employees |
1242-F dt. 01.03.2017 | Introduction of HRMS in all Offices of Govt. of West Bengal |
1208-F dt. 28.02.2017 | Revised List of participating banks in GRIPS |
1158-F dt. 23.02.2017 | New Scheme “Samarthan” for the victims of Demonetization |
1142-F dt. 23.02.2017 | Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2016-2017 |
1116-F dt. 22.02.2017 | Public Holiday on account of BUDDHA PURNIMA (10.05.2017) |
1093-F dt. 21.02.2017 | Restructuring of PSUs/ Corporations of State Government |
656-F dt. 21.02.2017 | Rate of Interest on General Provident Fund (01.01.2017 to 31.03.2017) |
1019-F dt. 17.02.2017 | Enhancement of Retirement Age of College Teachers |
141-F dt. 15.02.2017 | Memorandum of Agreement for Cashless Medical Treatment |
925-F dt. 14.02.2017 | Norms of Tender Acceptance when Qualified Bidders less than 3 |
926-F dt. 13.02.2017 | Inclusion of HoA for e-receipts of Dept of Home & Hill Affairs |
875-F dt. 13.02.2017 | Raising of Upper Age Limit for Entry into Govt. Service |
874-F dt. 13.02.2017 | West Bengal Services (Raising of Age-limit) Rules, 1981 – Amendment |
721-F dt. 07.02.2017 | Nodal Department for Service Matters of Officers of FA Setup |
1505-FB dt. 06.02.2017 | Newly Merged Departments and Creation of New Demands |
561-F dt. 31.01.2017 | Enhancement of Retirement Age of Teachers to 62 years |
540-F dt. 30.01.2017 | Prior Approval from Finance is mandated before Re-Employment |
470-F dt. 25.01.2017 | Mandatory use of e-bill for TR 70C |
250-F dt. 13.01.2017 | Creation of New FA Setup and Rearrangement of FA Clusters |
191-F dt. 10.01.2017 | Re-delegation of Financial Powers delegated by Finance |
182-F dt. 10.01.2017 | Refund from Works Deposit Account |
51-F dt. 03.01.2017 | Procedure to be followed by DDOs of Newly created Departments |
02-F dt. 02.01.2017 | Dearness Relief to Pensioners (pre-revised) w.e.f. 01.01.2017 |
01-F dt. 02.01.2017 | Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2017 |
20-F dt. 02.01.2017 | Grant of DA to Employees (Pre-Revised Scale) from January, 2017 |
19-F dt. 02.01.2017 | Grant of Dearness Allowance to Other than Govt. Employees, 2017 |
18-F dt. 02.01.2017 | Grant of Dearness Allowance @ 85% w.e.f. January, 2017 |