
School Education – Archive, 2013

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Archive of West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Orders, Clarifications, Memo related to School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal upto 2013.

430-SE dt. 27.12.2013DA to Teaching/ Non-Teaching Staffs (who are on pre-revised scale)
429-SE dt. 27.12.2013DA to Teaching/ Non-teaching Staffs of Non-Govt Aided Institutions
N/S/243 dt. 20.12.2013Text Books published by WBBPE and WBBSE for Session, 2014
688-SSE dt. 13.12.2013LDA/LDC Recruitment Examination 2013 of Staff Selection Commission
1564-SE dt. 13.12.2013Formation of M.C. of Schools converted into Govt Sponsored Schools
1178-ES dt. 11.12.2013Publication of Electoral Rolls for Election to Primary School Councils
EST-362 dt. 10.12.2013Holiday List of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education 2014
1156-SE dt. 06.12.2013B. Ed. Training of In-service Teacher appointed to another school
405-SE dt. 06.12.2013Revised Scale of Pay, 2009 in DA getting & Anglo-Indian Schools
647-SSE dt. 04.12.2013UTKARSHA ABHIJAN – Quality of Education in Primary Schools
1133-SE dt. 29.11.2013Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for session, 2014
N/S/240 dt. 28.11.2013Workshops organized by Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
1773-Sc dt. 14.11.2013List of Schools, Co-ordinators and Mentors/ Counsellors
874-Sc dt. 13.11.2013Support for Professional Education for Children of School Teachers
165-PBSSM dt. 08.11.2013Handing Over affairs by the Administrator of VEC and WEC
120-SC dt. 07.11.2013New subjects for H.S. Section in Govt. aided/ Sponsored schools
1850 dt. 06.11.2013U-DISE DCF of Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools
1042-SE dt. 30.10.2013ON DUTY Leave for Teachers Pursuing B.Ed through ODL Mode
354-SE dt. 09.10.2013DA to Teaching/ Non-Teaching Staffs of DA getting Primary Schools
353-SE dt. 09.10.2013DA to Teaching/ Non-Teaching Employees of DA getting Schools
1325-SE dt. 03.10.2013West Bengal School Service Commission (GT) Rules, 2013
929-SE dt. 03.10.2013DPSC Candidates Elected under Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samity
819-SE dt. 30.08.2013Registration of Un-trained Upper Primary School Teachers for B.Ed.
504-ES dt. 30.08.2013Role of Teaching/ Non-Teaching staff in Mid-Day Meal Scheme
1170-SE dt. 23.08.2013Engagement of Retired Teachers or Lecturers on Temporary Basis
N/S/220 dt. 23.08.2013Postponement of M.C. formation due to Municipal Elections, 2013
776-SE dt. 19.08.2013Recruitment Rules of Principal & Lecturer in PTTI
1130-SE dt. 19.08.2013Teacher Posts in H.S. Section of Govt Aided/ Sponsored Schools
268-Edn dt. 16.08.2013District and Sub-Divisional Council for School Games and Sports
DSE-31 dt. 13.08.2013Introduction of four more optional elective subjects under NVEQF
1097-SE dt. 05.08.2013Seeking permission for teaching subjects by Part Time Teachers
707-SE dt. 18.07.2013Appointment of Administrator for Village Education Committee
120-SC dt. 07.11.2013New subjects for H.S. Section in Govt. aided/ Sponsored schools
1424-Gen dt. 25.10.2013Celebration of National Education Day on 11th November
DS-93 dt. 30.08.2013Page Limit and Date Schedule reg. Submission of Class XI books
770-SE dt. 16.08.2013Appointment of Administrator for Ward Education Committee
1189-BPE dt. 06.08.2013Allowance of Scribes to examinees of D.El.Ed Examinations, 2013
279-SE dt. 05.08.2013Bonus to Staffs of State-Aided Non-Govt. Educational Institutions
723-ME dt. 30.07.2013Felicitation of students and inmates of Social Welfare Homes
DS-92 dt. 26.07.2013Book Size and Page Limit Specifications for Class XI & XII books
DS-91 dt. 23.07.2013Availability of Books Published by West Bengal Text Book Corporation
575-SE dt. 21.07.2013Problems regarding Admission and Fees in Elementary Education
DS-90 dt. 19.07.2013Page Limit for 2013-2015 Class XII & 2014-2016 Class XI books
1097-L dt. 11.07.2013West Bengal School Service Commission (Amendment) Act, 2013
103/Admin dt. 10.07.2013Election for Constitution/ Reconstitution of the Managing Committee
402-SSE dt. 09.07.2013Holidays in Schools for Panchayat General Election, 2013
DS-86 dt. 09.07.2013Books Published by WBCHSE
DS-0091 dt. 04.07.2013NOTE FOR THE PUBLISHERS For 2013-2015 Class XII books
DS-Exam dt. 04.07.2013Annual Working Plan of WBCHSE
632-ES dt. 03.07.2013District Inspector of School as Grievance Redressal Authority – RTE Act
1267-Sc dt. 01.07.2013National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement, 2013
923-BPE dt. 26.06.2013Modification of Curriculum and Syllabus of 2 year D. El. Ed Course
917-BPE dt. 25.06.2013Release of Teachers deputed to undergo D.El.Ed. Course (2011-2013)
924-SE dt. 19.06.2013Appointment of Contractual Teachers from Retired Teachers
95-Admin dt. 17.06.2013e-Mode System for Remittance of Fees to WBBSE
Cir-01 dt. 10.06.2013New Subject Combinations offered by WBCHSE w.e.f. 2013
87-Admin dt. 31.05.2013Postponement of Election for Constitution/ Reconstitution of M.C.
668-PBSSM dt. 31.05.2013Enhancement of Qualification of Para Teachers
Admin-186 dt. 29.05.2013Membership of Parshad Barta published by WBBSE
844-SE dt. 23.05.2013Continuation of Arts Subject after Up-gradation to H.S. Level
843-SE dt. 23.05.2013List of Schools recommended for Up-gradation to H.S.
156-SE dt. 16.04.2013Dearness Relief to Teaching and Non-Teaching Pensioners
167-ES dt. 01.04.2013Mid-Day-Meal Calendar for the Financial Year 2013-14
223-SSE dt. 28.03.2013Teachers Eigibility Test (TET) for Persons with Disabilities
N/S/215 dt. 25.03.2013New Syllabi and Curriculum for Class V and VII from 2013
208-SSE dt. 21.03.2013Observer of Primary TET for each Venue/ Centre
NS-212 dt. 20.03.2013Appointed Hour, Commencement of class teaching, Daily Assembly
491-SL dt. 20.03.2013Conversion of willing Recognised Non-Govt Aided Secondary Schools
639-SC dt. 15.03.2013Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for Selection of Primary School Teachers
NS-207 dt. 08.03.2013Rectification of revised Annual Academic Calender
209-SE dt. 04.03.2013Grant of ‘A’ category scale of Pay to the Primary School Teachers
83-SE dt. 27.02.2013Grant of revised Dearness Allowance to Secondary Schools, 2012
82-SE dt. 27.02.2013Grant of revised Dearness Allowance to Primary Schools, 2012
385-SE dt. 21.02.2013Annual Examination of Class XI, 2013 conducted by WBCHSE
165-SE dt. 19.02.2013Maternity Leave of Contractual Employees under PBSSM
N/S/194 dt. 13.02.2013Permission for Co-education in School as per RTE Act, 2009
497-SE dt. 08.02.2013Sanction of Laboratory Grant to Schools of West Bengal
250-Sc dt. 05.02.2013State Public Information Officer for RTI in School Education
NS-192 dt. 01.02.2013Permission for Co-education in School in light of RTE Act, 2009
52-ES dt. 31.01.2013Doorstep Delivery of Food Grains/ Rice under MDM Scheme
Admin-139 dt. 29.01.2013Revised Annual Academic Calendar from Class V to VIII
37-SE dt. 15.01.2013Price of books published by WBBSE and WBBPE
10-SE dt. 07.01.2013Grant of D.A. to Employees of Educational Institutions
09-SE dt. 07.01.2013Dearness Allowance to the Teaching and Non-teaching employees

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