West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2016.
Notification | Subject |
1214-F dt. 30.12.2016 | Power cannot be Re-delegated for Medical Reimbursement |
6653-F dt. 27.12.2016 | 30 Off Days to Contractual Software Personnel |
4793-F dt. 20.12.2016 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2016 to 31.12.2016) |
6431-F dt. 15.12.2016 | Discontinuation of pension from the counter of AGWB |
6653-F dt. 08.12.2016 | 30 Off Days to Contractual Software Personnel |
6363-F dt. 08.12.2016 | Public Holiday on account of Fateha-Dwaz-Daham, 2016 |
1040-F dt. 01.12.2016 | Condonation of Delay for Indoor Treatment Claim |
481-F dt. 29.11.2016 | Conditions for Counting of Past Service in Govt. Employment |
6138-F dt. 28.11.2016 | Renewal of DSC from M/s CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. |
6121-F dt. 28.11.2016 | Modalities for Deposit of Demonetised Currency by DDO |
6103-F dt. 26.11.2016 | Treatment of Absence on 28.11.2016 for Bandh/Strike |
6095-F dt. 25.11.2016 | Re-employment remuneration to Medical Officers |
6093-F dt. 25.11.2016 | Engagement of Retired Employees on Contractual Basis |
1018-F dt. 25.11.2016 | Online Enrolment Mandatory for Reimbursement of Claim |
1151-FB dt. 24.11.2016 | SOMOBYATHI – Financial Assistance for Cremation/ Burial |
6045-F dt. 23.11.2016 | Amendment in the WB Services (Gr.D Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2009 |
6026-F dt. 23.11.2016 | Discontinuation of Payment of Pension from Office of AGWB |
6025-F dt. 23.11.2016 | Last Date of Submission of Annual Life Certificate |
1144-FB dt. 23.11.2016 | DDOs can Deposit and Withdraw Old and New Currencies |
5982-F dt. 21.11.2016 | Disbursement of Salary of Govt Employees in Cash |
5970-F dt. 21.11.2016 | Cash Payment of Advance Salary from December, 2016 |
5891-F dt. 16.11.2016 | Payment of Claims in Anticipation of Allotment (Dec, 2016) |
5881-F dt. 16.11.2016 | Wages of Tea Garden Workers after Demonetisation |
5826-F dt. 10.11.2016 | List of Participating Banks in GRIPS on IFMS Platform |
5822-F dt. 10.11.2016 | Sixth Pay Commission – Extension of Term of Office |
5742-F dt. 08.11.2016 | List of Participating Banks in GRIPS – Addition |
5730-F dt. 04.11.2016 | Arrear Salary Bill of IFS Officer in West Bengal |
5688-F dt. 03.11.2016 | Transfer of EMD to Security Deposit Head Account |
5663-F dt. 02.11.2016 | General Holiday on account of Chhat Puja, 2016 |
5630-F dt. 28.10.2016 | CAS for employees enjoying higher pay scale under court order |
5607-F dt. 27.10.2016 | GRIPS in IFMS and Integration with e-Kuber Portal of RBI |
5603-F dt. 27.10.2016 | Holiday List for West Bengal Govt. Employees, 2017 |
5504-F dt. 24.10.2016 | Rolling out of New GRIPS into IFMS Portal |
4024-F dt. 21.10.2016 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.07.2016 to 30.09.2016) |
5332-F dt. 05.10.2016 | NPS for State Govt. Employees on Deputation |
5302-F dt. 05.10.2016 | Linking of Bank Account with ICICI Payment Gateway |
5301-F dt. 05.10.2016 | Administrative Approval of Schemes below Rs. 10 lakhs |
5290-F dt. 04.10.2016 | Revision of West Bengal Treasury Form No. 70C |
2649-F dt. 03.10.2016 | Restructuring of various offices in Irrigation and Waterways Directorate |
5153-F dt. 28.09.2016 | West Bengal Motor Transport Workers Welfare Cess |
5152-F dt. 28.09.2016 | Nomination of FAs as representatives of Finance Department |
5103-F dt. 27.09.2016 | “Online Payment Module” mandated from 01.10.2016 |
3821-F dt. 27.09.2016 | Group Insurance Scheme 1987 – Table of Benefits, 2016-17 |
5088-F dt. 26.09.2016 | Financial Powers Delegated to DGP, West Bengal |
5077-F dt. 26.09.2016 | No Leave on Bandh/Strike in the areas under GTA |
4986-F dt. 21.09.2016 | Departments should Utilize the FA System |
4890-F dt. 21.09.2016 | Holiday on account of Durgapuja (Panchami), 2016 |
4940-F dt. 19.09.2016 | Arrear Salary Bill of IAS Officers in West Bengal |
4884-F dt. 15.09.2016 | e-Tender/ e-Auction is Mandatory for Parastatals |
4741-F dt. 08.09.2016 | Public Holiday on account of Id-Ud-Joha, 2016 |
4685-F dt. 06.09.2016 | Sectional Holiday on account of Karam Puja, 2016 |
4630-F dt. 02.09.2016 | Departmental Examination of LDA whose mother tongue is not Bengali |
4603-F dt. 01.09.2016 | Nomination of FA in Governing Body of Parastatal |
4570-F dt. 31.08.2016 | Implementation of Swasthya Sathi for Contractual Workers |
4515-F dt. 29.08.2016 | Execution of Govt works through State PSUs, Corporation etc. |
4499-F dt. 26.08.2016 | Amendment of Rule 34A of West Bengal Service Rules |
4498-F dt. 26.08.2016 | Treatment of Absence on 02.09.2016 for Bandh/Strike |
4496-F dt. 26.08.2016 | Interim Relief to Pensioners – Clarification |
4237-F dt. 10.08.2016 | Clarification regarding LTC and HTC Rules |
4229-F dt. 10.08.2016 | Workflow based File & Letter Tracking System |
4217-F dt. 10.08.2016 | Administrative Approval of Plan Projects or Schemes |
4184-F dt. 08.08.2016 | Amendment in the WB Services (Gr. D posts) recruitment rule, 2009 |
4130-F dt. 04.08.2016 | Access of MIS Dashboard and Reports of IFMS to Financial Advisors |
4102-F dt. 03.08.2016 | Introduction of “e-Services for Employees” (ESE) |
4072-F dt. 02.08.2016 | Engagement of software personnel in e-Governance projects |
3975-F dt. 28.07.2016 | Earnest Money Deposit through e-Procurement Portal |
3824-F dt. 27.07.2016 | Administrative Calendar Compliance Reporting System |
3891-F dt. 25.07.2016 | Landline/ Broadband Telephone Bills through IFMS |
509-F dt. 25.07.2016 | On-line Reappropriation System through e-Bantan |
3858-F dt. 22.07.2016 | Admissibility and Calculation of Interim Relief |
3797-F dt. 20.07.2016 | Amendment in Recruitment of Clerical Cadre Rule |
3708-F dt. 14.07.2016 | Telephone Facility at Residence of Employees |
3705-F dt. 14.07.2016 | Bonus, Festival Advance, Interim Relief in HRMS |
3704-F dt. 14.07.2016 | Monitoring and Supervision of e-Pension Project |
3573-F dt. 05.07.2016 | 2 days Holiday on account of Id-Ul-Fitre, 2016 |
3533-F dt. 04.07.2016 | Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto Dec, 2016 |
2626-F dt. 02.07.2016 | Grant of Interim Relief @10% of Band Pay |
3502-F dt. 30.06.2016 | Interim Relief to Govt. Employees – Clarification |
2631-F dt. 30.06.2016 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2016 to 30.06.2016) |
331-FB dt. 17.06.2016 | Interest Rate on Loans and Advances for 2015-2016 |
330-FB dt. 17.06.2016 | Loans and Advances of State Govt. for 2015-2016 |
3243-F dt. 17.06.2016 | Holiday on Birth Day of Late Dr. B.C. Roy, 2016 |
321-FB dt. 15.06.2016 | Debt Sustainability Certificate for Projects |
3143-F dt. 13.06.2016 | Bonus/Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2015-16 |
3142-F dt. 13.06.2016 | Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2016 |
3141-F dt. 13.06.2016 | Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2015-16 |
3059-F dt. 08.06.2016 | Interim Relief to Re-Employed/ Contractual Pensioner |
3022-F dt. 07.06.2016 | Office shall be Closed for Jamai Sasthi, 2016 |
224-F dt. 03.06.2016 | Grant of Interim Relief @8% to Pensioners |
2862-F dt. 30.05.2016 | Cancellation of e-Pradan failed transaction |
2762-F dt. 25.05.2016 | Extension of Sixth Pay Commission, West Bengal |
2672-F dt. 20.05.2016 | Submission of Memorandum to 6th Pay Commission |
2634-F dt. 17.05.2016 | Leave Rules of Employee while on Deputation |
2475-F dt. 06.05.2016 | Payment of Electricity Bills (CESC) using IFMS |
2169-F dt. 18.04.2016 | e-Services for Employees (ESE) – Register Mobile No. for OTP |
1984-F dt. 07.04.2016 | Allotment of fund for 3 months of Financial Year, 2016-2017 |
1632-F dt. 31.03.2016 | Allotment of Fund for 2016-2017 (Vote-on-Account) |
1742-F dt. 29.03.2016 | Resignation of Member from 6th Pay Commission |
1682-F dt. 22.03.2016 | Public Holiday for W.B. Legislative Assembly Election, 2016 |
1611-F dt. 18.03.2016 | Refund of Tax/ Non-Tax Revenue incl. EMD/ SD Money |
1523-F dt. 16.03.2016 | Bill Submission Date to PAO and Treasury in March, 2016 |
218-F dt. 03.03.2016 | Enrolment under Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme (31.03.2017) |
1243-F dt. 02.03.2016 | Compulsory Requirement of Knowledge in Bengali for Recruitment |
1224-F dt. 02.03.2016 | Amendment in Schedule B of DFPR, 1977 |
1205-F dt. 01.03.2016 | Member of 6th Pay Commission on Re-Employment |
1182-F dt. 29.02.2016 | Recruitment Rules of English Stenographer [Basic Grade] |
1116-F dt. 25.02.2016 | Submission of vouchers & bills by works and forest divisions |
1110-F dt. 25.02.2016 | Constitution of West Bengal Treasury Rule Revision Committee |
1108-F dt. 25.02.2016 | High Powered Committee for Casual, Daily Rated Workers |
1100-F dt. 25.02.2016 | Grant of Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave for 30 Days |
1107-F dt. 25.02.2016 | Benefits for Casual, Daily Rated, Contractual Workers etc. |
1104-F dt. 25.02.2016 | Introduction of Group Health Insurance Scheme – Swasthya Sathi |
1100-F dt. 25.02.2016 | Grant of Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave for 30 Days |
1055-F dt. 24.02.2016 | Amedment in the Members of 6th Pay Commission, West Bengal |
139-F dt. 23.02.2016 | Guidelines regarding Signature under Cashless Medical Scheme |
1010-F dt. 22.02.2016 | Holiday on account of Sibaratri (7th March, 2016) |
932-F dt. 18.02.2016 | TR 70B to Withdraw Unutilized Money from Works Deposit A/c |
925-F dt. 18.02.2016 | Inviting Memorandum from different Unions, Associations |
912-F dt. 17.02.2016 | Payment of Electricity Bills (WBSEDCL/NTESCL) using IFMS |
873-F dt. 16.02.2016 | Inclusion of Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt through GRIPS |
816-F dt. 12.02.2016 | Half Holiday on account of Sree Panchami (12th February) |
548-F dt. 12.02.2016 | Cadre Schedule of WBA&AS Officers, 2016 |
792-F dt. 11.02.2016 | Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Kolkata PAO, 2015-2016 |
791-F dt. 11.02.2016 | Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Treasury for 2015-2016 |
707-F dt. 09.02.2016 | Amendment of Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1977 |
597-F dt. 03.02.2016 | Set up of Economic Offence Investigation Cell under Finance Department |
479-F dt. 28.01.2016 | Discontinuation of Engaging Central PSU for State Govt. Works |
427-F dt. 25.01.2016 | Definition of Nearest International Airport in LTC Rules |
351-F dt. 21.01.2016 | Mandatory Pay Bill Submission through HRMS from Feb, 2016 |
265-F dt. 18.01.2016 | Confirmation of Group C Employees of West Bengal Government |
249-F dt. 15.01.2016 | Engagement of Software Personnel in the E-Governance Project |
01-IF dt. 04.01.2016 | Distribution of RuPay Debit Cards for Insurance under PMJDY |