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West Bengal Govt. Employees General Provident Fund Rules, Allotment of GPF Account Number, Account Statement, Subscription towards GP Fund, Rate of Interest.
Notification | Subject |
135-F dt. 19.11.2024 | Fixation of Ceiling on Subscription in Provident Fund |
123-F dt. 24.10.2024 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.10.2024 to 31.12.2024) |
4046-F dt. 11.09.2024 | Application, Sanction of Advance and Final Payment of PF |
4045-F dt. 11.09.2024 | Procedure for Payment of Provident Fund Interest – Addendum |
101-F dt. 06.08.2024 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.07.2024 to 30.09.2024) |
67-F dt. 14.06.2024 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.04.2024 to 30.06.2024) |
49-F dt. 21.05.2024 | Payment of Additional Interest against GPF Final Payment Claim |
32-F dt. 28.03.2024 | Ceiling of Rs. 5 Lakh regarding Annual Subscription of GPF |
01-F dt. 04.01.2024 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.01.2024 to 31.03.2024) |
90-F dt. 12.10.2023 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.10.2023 to 31.12.2023) |
4740-F dt. 09.08.2023 | Procedure of Credit of Interest by DPPG, WB into GPF of Gr. D Employees |
48-F dt. 19.07.2023 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.07.2023 to 30.09.2023) |
4357-F dt. 14.07.2023 | Guidelines for Non-Government Institutions Provident Fund Module |
4309-F dt. 12.07.2023 | Introduction of Non-Govt. Institutions Provident Fund (NGIPF) Module |
27-F dt. 04.05.2023 | Ceiling of Rs. 5 Lakh on Subscription in General Provident Fund |
19-F dt. 24.04.2023 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.04.2023 to 30.06.2023) |
176-F dt. 16.01.2023 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.01.2023 to 31.03.2023) |
2930-F dt. 29.10.2022 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.10.2022 to 31.12.2022) |
1882-F dt. 20.07.2022 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.07.2022 to 30.09.2022) |
914-F dt. 19.04.2022 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.04.2022 to 31.06.2022) |
2750-F dt. 18.01.2022 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.01.2022 to 31.03.2022) |
3649-F dt. 26.11.2021 | Introduction of Workflow for GPF Advance in HRMS |
2142-F dt. 02.11.2021 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.10.2021 to 31.12.2021) |
FM/36 dt. 07.10.2021 | Introduction of e-GPF Account Statement w.e.f. 2020-21 |
1320-F dt. 28.07.2021 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.07.2021 to 30.09.2021) |
1127-F dt. 05.05.2021 | Interest Rate on General Provident Fund (01.04.2021 to 30.06.2021) |
169-F dt. 21.01.2021 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.01.2021 to 31.03.2021) |
3141-F dt. 10.11.2020 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2020 to 31.12.2020) |
2710-F dt. 21.09.2020 | GPF Statement having transactions booked under wrong HoA |
2356-F dt. 06.08.2020 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.07.2020 to 30.09.2020) |
1630-F dt. 22.04.2020 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020) |
622-F dt. 10.02.2020 | Capturing GPF Balances of State Government Employees |
554-F dt. 03.02.2020 | Transfer of GPF Balance of Group-D Employees promoted to Group-C |
464-F dt. 22.01.2020 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.01.2020 to 31.03.2020) |
7059-F dt. 30.12.2019 | Introduction of IFMS Module for GPF Account Statement |
3879-F dt. 31.10.2019 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2019 to 31.12.2019) |
2803-F dt. 18.07.2019 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.07.2019 to 30.09.2019) |
2978-F dt. 27.05.2019 | Modalities of Inter-Treasury Transfer of Provident Fund |
2699-F dt. 10.05.2019 | Discontinuation of Issuance of Cheque by Treasuries/ PAOs |
2504-F dt. 25.04.2019 | Pending Works of Gr. D GPF before Pay Bill of May, 2019 |
2480-F dt. 24.04.2019 | DPPG,WB will Credit Interest into GPF of Gr. D Employees |
1563-F dt. 24.04.2019 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2019 to 30.06.2019) |
1340-F dt. 08.04.2019 | Final Payment of GPF to Employees promoted from Group D to C |
774-F dt. 28.01.2019 | Provident Fund Maintenance in Non-Government Institutions |
279-F dt. 17.01.2019 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.01.2019 to 31.03.2019) |
4140-F dt. 01.11.2018 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2018 to 31.12.2018) |
2894-F dt. 26.07.2018 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2018 to 31.12.2018) |
2229-F dt. 20.06.2018 | Recovery of GPF Temporary Advance before Retirement |
1999-F dt. 05.06.2018 | Online GPF Module to Group D Work Charged Employees |
1924-F dt. 31.05.2018 | Approval of Opening Balance of GPF (Group D Employees) |
1415-F dt. 23.04.2018 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2018 to 30.06.2018) |
1353-F dt. 18.04.2018 | Control and Management of GPF (Group D Employees) – Clarification |
734-F dt. 28.02.2018 | Control and Management of GPF (Group D Employees) |
407-F dt. 07.02.2018 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.01.2018 to 31.03.2018) |
4581-F dt. 08.11.2017 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2017 to 31.12.2017) |
3715-F dt. 21.08.2017 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.07.2017 to 30.09.2017) |
1759-F dt. 03.05.2017 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017) |
656-F dt. 21.02.2017 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.01.2017 to 31.03.2017) |
4793-F dt. 20.12.2016 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.10.2016 to 31.12.2016) |
481-F dt. 29.11.2016 | Conditions for Counting of Past Service in Govt. Employment |
4024-F dt. 21.10.2016 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.07.2016 to 30.09.2016) |
2631-F dt. 30.06.2016 | Rate of Interest on GPF (01.04.2016 to 30.06.2016) |
193-IR dt. 14.03.2016 | Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers |
2854-F dt. 11.05.2015 | Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2015-16 |
3947-F dt. 31.07.2014 | Amendment of Form 10A & 10B for Final Payment of GPF Balance |
1059-F dt. 31.03.2014 | Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2014-15 |
6884-F dt. 29.08.2013 | Final Payment of GPF on Retirement – Forwarding to A.G. Office |
1751-F dt. 27.02.2013 | Refund of Money deposited to GPF or Suspense Head of Account |
10263-F dt. 18.12.2012 | Refund of Money Deposited to GPF/ Suspense Head – Procedure |
8912-F dt. 01.11.2012 | Change of rate of GPF Subscriptions |
5288-F dt. 22.06.2012 | Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2012-13 |
2908-F dt. 09.04.2012 | Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2011-12 |
1069-F dt. 03.02.2012 | Implementation of New Pension Scheme in West Bengal |
7514-F dt. 14.07.2010 | Adjustment of short-fall of GPF arises on implementation of ROPA |
103-F dt. 05.01.2010 | Rate of interest payable on GPF contribution w.e.f. 1.4.2009 |
9373-F dt. 12.10.2009 | Amendment to Sub-rule (1) of rule 10 of GPF Rules |
7102-F dt. 22.07.2009 | Short fall of statutory deduction of GPF-recovery thereof |
6864-F dt. 10.07.2009 | Deduction of short fall of GPF below 6% in terms of ROPA Rules, 09 |
5160-F dt. 12.06.2009 | Rate of interest payable on GPF contribution w.e.f. 1.4.2008 |
3810-F dt. 21.05.2009 | Amendment of prescribed Forms (10A & 10B) |
3763-F dt. 21.5.2009 | Submission of GPF nomination |
2817-F dt. 09.04.2009 | Indication of 1st and Last subscriptions in GPF credit schedules |
1340-F dt. 11.02.2009 | Further Steps to streamline the GPF works |
9939-F dt. 22.12.2008 | Steps to streamline the GPF work |
9222-F dt. 05.12.2008 | Irregular sanction of 90% GPF resulting in (-) balance |
8554-F dt. 17.11.2008 | Measure to avoid Court cases file against non-settlement of GPF |
7992-F dt. 23.10.2008 | Release of arrear of GPF of Autonomous Bodies, Corporation, Board etc. |
7916-F dt. 21.10.2008 | Rate of interest payable on GPF contribution |
8625-F dt. 24.10.2007 | Compulsory Deposit as per ROPA, 98-Restriction thereof |
6071-F dt 08.08.2007 | Irregular sanction of GPF |
2561-F dt. 02.04.2007 | Computerized accounting system of GPF |
1462-FB dt. 09.11.2006 | Opening of sub-head under 8009-State Provident Fund |
DT-1485 dt. 14.09.2006 | Clarification on withdrawal of amount of G.P. Fund – Missing credit |
9189-F dt. 14.11.2005 | Procedure of forwarding the application of final payment |
7134-F dt. 09.08.2005 | Transfer of GPF balance of Gr. ‘D’ employee to A.G.’s account |
7786-F dt. 06.09.2005 | Disbursement certificate after Final payment |
122-F dt. 05.01.2005 | Computation of admissible amount of advance |
10472-F dt. 18.11.2004 | Revised form 10A & 10B for final payment of G.P. Fund |
11770-F dt. 28.12.2001 | Admissible Non-refundable advance after completion of 15 year’s service |
3671-F dt. 04.04.2001 | Disbursement of P.F. Moneys to persons on behalf of minor |
10445-F dt. 15.12.2000 | Change of Head of account |
1991-F dt. 01.03.1999 | Stoppage of GPF subscription 3 months before retirement |
3637-F dt. 21.4.1997 | Final payment of GPF money of a deceased subscriber having no family |
11722-F dt. 23.11.1995 | Final payment of GPF money of a deceased subscriber having no family |
DT-1386 dt. 12.09.1995 | Conversion of refundable advance into Non-refundable advance of GPF |
4189-F dt. 13.04.1995 | Unauthorised GPF Subscription due to increase of pay middle of year |
10797-F dt. 15.11.1994 | Payment of GPF to family members of a disappeared Govt. employee |
FM/FP/3 dt. 28.06.1994 | Procedure for payment of GPF-Final payment |
13387-F dt. 21.12.1993 | 90% onetime withdrawal within 12 months before retirement |
13128-F dt. 14.12.1993 | Sanction of Temporary advance/ Non-refundable advance |
12834-F dt. 06.12.1993 | Interest on subscription deducted from Arrear pay Bill |
12139-F dt. 16.11.1993 | Sanction of Temporary advance/ Non-refundable advance of W.B.C.S. |
11830-F dt. 05.11.1993 | Non-refundable advance |
FM/07 dt. 21.09.1993 | Adjustment of missing credit on collateral evidence |
10959-F dt. 28.09.1993 | Non-refundable advance constituted service |
3241-F dt. 18.03.1989 | Recovery of over payment of GPF along with interest |
11160-F dt. 29.10.1988 | Maintenance of G.P.F. account of Gr. ‘D’ employee |
DTA/2742 dt. 19.09.1988 | Continue old account as Gr. ‘D’ till allotment of GPF by A.G. for Gr. ‘C’ |
10668-F dt. 16.10.1984 | Mode of deduction of subscribers for foreign service |
8313-F dt. 23.07.1984 | Refund of Employer’s Share towards CPF to avail Pension |
4287-F dt. 28.04.1980 | Amendment to GPF Rule |
2725-F dt. 20.05.1975 | Simplification of accounting system of G.P.F. advance |
4804-F dt. 17.08.1972 | Revised procedure for final payment |
6116-F dt. 23.12.1965 | Non-refundable Advance |