West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2012.
Notification | Subject |
10618-F dt. 31.12.2012 | e-Payment is Mandatory for all types of Government Payments |
10617-F dt. 31.12.2012 | Grant of DA to Employees who are drawing prerevised Pay Scale |
10616-F dt. 31.12.2012 | Grant of Dearness Allowance to Other than Govt. Employees |
10615-F dt. 31.12.2012 | Grant of Dearness Allowance @ 52% w.e.f. January, 2013 |
1700-FB dt. 31.12.2012 | Further Allotment of Fund up to March 2013 |
10581-F dt. 28.12.2012 | Scale movement of Officers of W.B. State Constituted Service |
10580-F dt. 28.12.2012 | Amendment to Career Advancement Scheme |
10578-F dt. 28.12.2012 | Revised procedure for Over the Counter Receipt through GRIPS |
10445-F dt. 24.12.2012 | Validity period of Cheque, Draft, Pay Order, Banker’s Cheque |
10263-F dt. 18.12.2012 | Refund of Money Deposited to GPF/ Suspense Head – Procedure |
10257-F dt. 18.12.2012 | Corrigendum of No. 10184-F dt. 13.12.2012 |
10184-F dt. 13.12.2012 | Interdepartmental Transfer of Land – AA&FS |
10015-F dt. 10.12.2012 | Government Holidays for the year 2013 |
10001-F dt. 07.12.2012 | Pending Payment in Implementing COSA Package |
9754-F dt. 03.12.2012 | Re-Tender Procedure of West Bengal Government |
9701-F dt. 30.11.2012 | Help Desk for e-Procurement of Goods and Services |
9668-F dt. 30.11.2012 | List of Banks to Conduct State Govt. Business |
9368-F dt. 20.11.2012 | Mandatory Generation of Salary Bills through COSA Software |
9266-F dt. 16.11.2012 | Functions of Review Committee for Suspension of Govt. Employee |
9243-F dt. 14.11.2012 | Appointment of Group – D Post on Consolidated Remuneration |
9233-F dt. 14.11.2012 | Sectional Holiday on account of Chhat Puja, 2012 |
1382-F dt. 12.11.2012 | Training on Workflow based Online File Tracking System |
9145-F dt. 09.11.2012 | W.B. Services Recruitment to Clerical Cadre Rules – Amendment |
9092-F dt. 07.11.2012 | Monthly Rate of Cleaning and Servicing of Telephone |
FS-5439 dt. 06.11.2012 | Implementation of Workflow Based Online File Tracking System |
8926-F dt. 02.11.2012 | Error in Ready Reckoner of WBS (ROPA), 1998 |
8912-F dt. 01.11.2012 | Change of rate of GPF Subscriptions |
1340-FB dt. 01.11.2012 | Web-enabled workflow based file tracking system |
8871-F dt. 31.10.2012 | Telephone Facility at the Residence of Govt. Employees |
8749-F dt. 18.10.2012 | Medical Advance and Reimbursement – Power of Secretaries |
8687-F dt. 16.10.2012 | Cost of Generic Medicines in Non-Empanelled HCO |
8648-F dt. 12.10.2012 | Clarifications of Purchase Policy |
8615-F dt. 12.10.2012 | Durga Puja Holidays in West Bengal |
8391-F dt. 05.10.2012 | National Capital Region – Health Scheme |
119 dt. 04.10.2012 | Process for seeking financial bids from empanelled TAs |
8327-F dt. 03.10.2012 | Utilisation Certificate for Payment made as Grants-in-Aid |
8298-F dt. 03.10.2012 | Government Receipt Portal System [GRIPS] |
8246-F dt. 28.09.2012 | Medical Benefits for Pensioner/ Family Pensioner |
8206-F dt. 27.09.2012 | Broadband Internet Connection in each Treasury |
8183-F dt. 26.09.2012 | Clarifications of Purchase Policy – Engagement of Agency |
8182-F dt. 26.09.2012 | Settlement of Disputes under Conditions of Contract of PWD |
8154-F dt. 25.09.2012 | Deployment of Retired Person in Treasury as DEO |
9008-F dt. 16.09.2011 | Regularization of Temporary Contractual Employees |
398-F dt. 13.09.2012 | Modification of Single Comprehensive Form |
7783-F dt. 11.09.2012 | Group Insurance Scheme 1987 – Table of Benefits, 2012-13 |
FS-116 dt. 10.09.2012 | Panel of Transaction Advisers for PPP projects |
1056-FB dt. 10.09.2012 | Role, Duty & Responsibility of Financial Advisers |
7578-F dt. 04.09.2012 | Further Guidelines for Empanelled Health Care Units |
976-FB dt. 28.08.2012 | Specimen signature of nodal officers to be sent to NABARD |
7335-F dt. 27.08.2012 | Amendment in PSC (Exemption from Consultation) Regulation |
964-FB dt. 27.08.2012 | LDA with UC may be furnished straightaway to NABARD |
7045-F dt. 16.08.2012 | Final 50% Arrear Payment to Other than State Govt. Employees |
7044-F dt. 16.08.2012 | Final 50% Arrear Payment to State Govt. Employees |
351-F dt. 07.08.2012 | Ex-gratia Payment to West Bengal Govt. Pensioners, 2012 |
6734-F dt. 03.08.2012 | Bonus/Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2011-12 |
6733-F dt. 03.08.2012 | Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2012 |
6732-F dt. 03.08.2012 | Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2011-12 |
801-FB dt. 31.07.2012 | Power Delegation to release States Matching Share |
800-FB dt. 31.07.2012 | Allotment of Fund upto December, 2012 |
6424-F dt. 25.07.2012 | Constitution of State Level Core Committee i.r.o. e-Tender |
6254-F dt. 27.07.2012 | Empowered Commitee of Public Private Partnership |
6523-F dt. 27.07.2012 | Creation of PPP Cell in Finance Department |
6522-F dt. 27.07.2012 | Empowered Committee of Secretaries in PPP Cell |
6508-F dt. 27.07.2012 | Reimbursement of Medical Expense from Insurance Policy & WBHS |
6427-F dt. 25.07.2012 | Delegation of Financial Power of Engineering Wings |
6426-F dt. 25.07.2012 | Inclusion of Banks to Handle Govt Transaction |
6424-F dt. 25.07.2012 | Formation of state level core committee for e-tender |
766-FB dt. 24.07.2012 | West Bengal Compensatory Entry Tax Fund Rules, 2012 |
6037-F dt. 13.07.2012 | Implementation of COSA Extended upto 31.10.2012 |
5986-F dt. 12.07.2012 | Extension of Enrolment in WBHS upto 31.03.2013 |
5811-F dt. 06.07.2012 | Amendment of para 4 of 5266-F(H) dt. 21.06.2012 |
5458-F dt. 27.06.2012 | Financial Power of Engineer Officers |
5424-F dt. 26.06.2012 | Clarification on e-Tender |
FS-169 dt. 25.06.2012 | Restriction on Opening of Unlawful Co-operative (Chit Fund) |
5400-F dt. 25.06.2012 | New Purchase Policy of West Bengal Government |
5320-F dt. 22.06.2012 | Amendment of Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1977 |
5288-F dt. 22.06.2012 | Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2012-13 |
5275-F dt. 21.06.2012 | Creation of Posts for the system of Financial Advisers |
5267-F dt. 21.06.2012 | State Policy on Public Private Partnership (PPP) |
5266-F dt. 21.06.2012 | PPP policy resolution of the State Government |
5020-F dt. 15.06.2012 | Amendment of WBTR, 2005 in consonance with the revised procedure |
4791-F dt. 08.06.2012 | Cash Equivalent of Leave Salary: New Definition of Family |
FS-81 dt. 17.05.2012 | Common Problems implementing COSA |
4111-F dt. 17.05.2012 | Procurement of Computer for COSA |
4109-F dt. 17.05.2012 | Nodal Officer for e-Tender |
3925-F dt. 10.05.2012 | Revision of Pay Scales of Stenographers |
223-F dt. 10.05.2012 | Additional Quantum of Pension where in receipt of family pension |
3798-F dt. 07.05.2012 | Public Holiday on 8th May – Rabindra Nath Tagore Birthday |
3739-F dt. 03.05.2012 | Mandatory Publication of Notice at e-Tender Portal |
3728-F dt. 03.05.2012 | Compulsory recording of GIS subscriptions in the Service Book |
3687-F dt. 02.05.2012 | Revised Minimum Wages to Private Security Agency |
152-FB dt. 27.04.2012 | Financial Adviser in different Departments |
3291-F dt. 19.04.2012 | Applicability of Strike Order to Other Employees of State |
3289-F dt. 19.04.2012 | Changed procedure of receipt and dispatch of letters/ articles/ files |
96-FB dt. 18.04.2012 | Administrative Approval for Schemes under 13th F.C. |
3266-F dt. 18.04.2012 | Specified service matters delegated to Administrative groups |
95-FB dt. 18.04.2012 | Delegation of Power to Departmental Secretaries |
2908-F dt. 09.04.2012 | Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2011-12 |
178-F dt. 09.04.2012 | Clarification on ‘Interim Allowance’ of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 1971 |
2895-F dt. 05.04.2012 | College Level Approval Committee for College/ Hospital |
3232-FB dt. 31.03.2012 | Allotment Order on Passing of Vote-on-Account Budget |
3173-F dt. 30.03.2012 | Loans and Advances of State Govt. for 2011-2012 |
3174-F dt. 30.03.2012 | Interest Rate on Loans and Advances for 2011-2012 |
164-F dt. 29.03.2012 | Family pension for life to unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughters |
162-F dt. 29.03.2012 | Extension of family pension to widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughters |
2552-F dt. 27.03.2012 | New Grant in Aid Sanction Order |
2312-F dt. 19.03.2012 | Release of Fund from PAO & Treasury for Financial Year 2012-13 |
3053-FB dt. 17.02.2012 | Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction to BRGF Schemes |
2013-F dt. 06.03.2012 | Treatment of Absence on 28.02.2012 for Bandh/ Strike |
1885-F dt. 02.03.2012 | Matters under Administrative Departments Disposal |
1853-F dt. 02.03.2012 | Declaration of Assets and Sale/ Purchase of Property |
1829-F dt. 01.03.2012 | Implementation of COSA mandatory for DDOs |
1662-F dt. 24.02.2012 | Detailed Head for Contractual Pay |
1583-F dt. 21.02.2012 | Cadres relating to Typist declared as Dying Cadre |
1488-F dt. 20.02.2012 | Proposals to be furnished in attached format to Finance Department |
84-F dt. 22.02.2012 | Family pension be sanctioned for missing employees/ Pensioners |
1364-F dt. 15.02.2012 | Child Care Leave for West Bengal State Govt. Employees |
1267-F dt. 10.02.2012 | Condonation of Excess Age for Appointment |
1242-F dt. 10.02.2012 | Sanction of Telephone/Internet Facility for Secretary Office |
1240-F dt. 10.02.2012 | Introduction of T.R. Form No. 36A |
1232-F dt. 09.02.2012 | Hiring of Vehicles for Use at Govt. Office |
305-F dt. 06.02.2012 | Implementation of COSA in DDO Offices |
1069-F dt. 03.02.2012 | Implementation of New Pension Scheme in West Bengal |
735-F dt. 24.01.2012 | Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto March, 2012 |
707-F dt. 24.01.2012 | Change in Date of Birth |
545-F dt. 17.01.2012 | Directions to Treasuries for Financial Year Ending, 2011-12 |
544-F dt. 17.01.2012 | Directions to PAO for Financial Year Closing |
511-F dt. 17.01.2012 | Implementation of West Bengal Health Scheme |
261-F dt. 09.01.2012 | Public Holiday on Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary |