West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Orders, Clarifications, Memorandum of Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal published in the year 2015.
Notification | Subject |
1200-F dt. 30.12.2015 | Allotment of Fund for Non-Plan Expenditure upto March, 2016 |
8634-F dt. 23.12.2015 | Use of Official e-Mail ID by Drawing and Disbursing Officers |
8532-F dt. 18.12.2015 | Discontinuation of LOC System – Migration from Forest Account |
8531-F dt. 18.12.2015 | Implementation of Pay Roll Processing Sub-module of HRMS-IFMS |
8490-F dt. 17.12.2015 | Substitution of Rule 47(9)(b) of West Bengal Financial Rules |
8473-F dt. 16.12.2015 | Contractual Engagement of Retired Person – Further Extension |
701-F dt. 16.12.2015 | Dearness Relief to Pensioners (pre-revised) w.e.f. 01.01.2016 |
700-F dt. 16.12.2015 | Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2016 |
8434-F dt. 14.12.2015 | Amendment of G.O. No. 6454-F dt. 27.08.2015 |
8425-F dt. 14.12.2015 | Inclusion of Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt of Govt Revenue |
8432-F dt. 14.12.2015 | Grant of DA to Employees (Pre-Revised Scale) from January, 2016 |
8431-F dt. 14.12.2015 | Grant of DA to Other than Govt. Employees wef January, 2016 |
8430-F dt. 14.12.2015 | Grant of Dearness Allowance @ 75% w.e.f. January, 2016 |
8395-F dt. 11.12.2015 | Deduction of Tax at Source and Submission of Quarterly Returns |
5974-F dt. 11.12.2015 | Online Application for Half Yearly Departmental Exam |
8074-F dt. 27.11.2015 | Modified Format of Inspection Report on Working of Treasury |
1020-FB dt. 27.11.2015 | Allot/ Release Plan Fund upto 100% of Budget Provision |
8071-F dt. 27.11.2015 | Terms of Reference of 6th Pay Commission, W.B. |
8070-F dt. 27.11.2015 | Appointment of Members for 6th Pay Commission, West Bengal |
8060-F dt. 26.11.2015 | Introduction of Online Payment Out of PL, LF, PF Accounts |
8006-F dt. 24.11.2015 | Extension of Engagement of Group D Staffs for further 3 years |
5683-F dt. 18.11.2015 | Self Appraisal Report of WBA&AS Officers – Guidelines |
7791-F dt. 09.11.2015 | Bandhan Bank to undertake Activities related to State Govt. |
930-FB dt. 06.11.2015 | Re-Appropriation from One Detailed Head to Another |
7740-F dt. 04.11.2015 | Employee Information Sheet |
7682-F dt. 03.11.2015 | Re-Designation of Sub-Assistant Engineer to Junior Engineer |
7690-F dt. 03.11.2015 | Holiday List for West Bengal Govt. Employees, 2016 |
901-FB dt. 02.11.2015 | Submission of Budget Estimate for Financial Year 2016-17 |
7551-F dt. 16.10.2015 | West Bengal Sub-Ordinate Service of Engineers – Recruitment Rules |
7544-F dt. 16.10.2015 | Procedure of Execution of Works by Govt Office through PSU |
7541-F dt. 16.10.2015 | Draft Cadre Schedule of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers |
862-F dt. 14.10.2015 | Direct Purchase of Land for Public Purpose |
7390-F dt. 13.10.2015 | Special Casual Leave for attending Office on Bandh/ Strike |
7370-F dt. 09.10.2015 | Leave Travel Concession Rule for W.B. Govt. Employees |
7201-F dt. 01.10.2015 | Submit Salary Bill for the month of October by 13.10.2015 |
5202-F dt. 29.09.2015 | Group Insurance Scheme 1987 – Table of Benefits, 2015-16 |
7108-F dt. 28.09.2015 | Elections to the Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad on 03.10.2015 |
7106-F dt. 28.09.2015 | PSC (Exemption from Consultation) Regulation – Group D Posts |
7089-F dt. 26.09.2015 | Municipal General Election on 3rd day of October, 2015 |
5095-F dt. 21.09.2015 | Syllabus of West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service |
6786-F dt. 11.09.2015 | Celebration of Vishwakarma Puja, 2015 – Holiday on 2nd Half |
6718-F dt. 08.09.2015 | Exemption of Earnest Money for Labour Co-operative Societies |
6717-F dt. 08.09.2015 | Cancellation of No. 6649-F dated 04.09.2015 |
6649-F dt. 04.09.2015 | Absence is not DIES NON in case of already sanctioned Leave |
6561-F dt. 02.09.2015 | Introduction of TR Form 70B |
6535-F dt. 01.09.2015 | Absence on 2nd September, 2015 will be treated as DIES NON |
6501-F dt. 31.08.2015 | State Govt. Offices would remain Open on 02.09.2015 Bandh |
6518-F dt. 31.08.2015 | Night Stay at Office by the Staff and Officers on 01.09.2015 |
6454-F dt. 27.08.2015 | Disbursement of Salary on Last but One Working Day of Month |
6444-F dt. 27.08.2015 | Clarification on period of CCL |
6417-F dt. 26.08.2015 | Exemption of 3 Govt. Enterprises from deposit of earnest money |
6378-F dt. 25.08.2015 | Sectional Holiday on account of KARAM PUJA, 2015 |
4677-F dt. 25.08.2015 | Non-Government Employees DCRB Audit Rules, 2015 |
6295-F dt. 20.08.2015 | Inclusion of some more TR Forms under e-Billing module of IFMS |
6229-F dt. 18.08.2015 | Digitization of T.R. Form Nos. 7A, 12A, 24, 50, 68B |
6228-F dt. 18.08.2015 | Modification of 5785-F(Y) dated 29.07.2015 |
6203-F dt. 17.08.2015 | Absence of Employees due to Strike/ Bandh on 18.08.2015 |
6180-F dt. 17.08.2015 | Amendment of HoA in GRIPS |
6058-F dt. 10.08.2015 | Online Administrative Calendar Compliance Reporting System |
5973-F dt. 06.08.2015 | Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto Dec, 2015 |
884-F dt. 31.07.2015 | Clarifications of Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014 |
520-F dt. 31.07.2015 | Introduction of Online Re-appropriation System through e-Bantan |
5785-F dt. 29.07.2015 | Transfer of outstanding deposit account balance from Works/ Forest Books |
5780-F dt. 29.07.2015 | Child Care Leave for Employees of Colleges and Universities |
4879-F dt. 24.07.2015 | Implementation of e-Billing module of IFMS |
5663-F dt. 22.07.2015 | Drawal of Bills for WBA&AS Officers on Deputation |
5639-F dt. 22.07.2015 | Transfer of Local Fund and PF Deposit to Merged Municipalities |
460-FB dt. 21.07.2015 | Allotment of Fund up to December, 2015 |
5560-F dt. 17.07.2015 | Child Care Leave for Employees of Educational Institutions |
811-F dt. 16.07.2015 | Cashless Treatment Bill amounting more than Rupess 1 Lakh |
5503-F dt. 15.07.2015 | Discontinuation of LOC System – Remittance of Fund |
5502-F dt. 15.07.2015 | Wage Bills of Work-Charged Establishment for Transfer Credit |
404-F dt. 09.07.2015 | Ex-gratia Payment to West Bengal Govt. Pensioners, 2015 |
5335-F dt. 09.07.2015 | Bonus/Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2014-15 |
5334-F dt. 09.07.2015 | Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2015 |
5333-F dt. 09.07.2015 | Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2014-15 |
5158-F dt. 02.07.2015 | Exempted Categories of Receipts from the purview of GRIPS |
5157-F dt. 02.07.2015 | Receipt of Government Revenue by Bank will be continued |
5100-F dt. 01.07.2015 | Exempted Category of Receipts from the purview of GRIPS |
5089-F dt. 30.06.2015 | Holiday on Birth Day of Late Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy in 2015 |
5074-F dt. 30.06.2015 | Some more Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt through GRIPS |
4902-F dt. 25.06.2015 | Amendment in WB Services (Recruitment to Clerical Cadre) Rules, 2010 |
4068-F dt. 25.06.2015 | Fixation of Reserve Price and its Disclosure during Auction |
4879-F dt. 24.06.2015 | Implementation of e-Billing module of IFMS |
4725-F dt. 18.06.2015 | Exempted Category of Bill from the purview of e-Pradan |
4630-F dt. 15.06.2015 | Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt through GRIPS Portal |
4538-F dt. 10.06.2015 | Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto July, 2015 |
4551-F dt. 11.06.2015 | Non-Credit of Salary for May, 2015 due to Bank Account Error |
4525-F dt. 10.06.2015 | Treasuries/PAO’s/Banks will not accept Non-CTS-2010 Cheques |
4507-F dt. 09.06.2015 | TR Form No. 70B for drawal of Fund under Public Account Head |
4411-F dt. 04.06.2015 | Revised Schedule ‘A’ and Schedule ‘B’ of DFP Rules, 1977 |
4170-F dt. 28.05.2015 | Deposit of Building and Other Construction Cess recovered |
4169-F dt. 28.05.2015 | One Time Password (OTP) for Non-DSC Holder DDO in e-Pradan |
4168-F dt. 28.05.2015 | Head of Accounts included in GRIPS of various Departments |
4068-F dt. 25.05.2015 | Fixation of Reserve Price and its Disclosure during Auction |
3073-F dt. 22.05.2015 | “Service Record Monitoring System” for Constituted Cadre |
3910-F dt. 18.05.2015 | Deduction of STDS and TCS during Payment to Contractor |
3897-F dt. 15.05.2015 | Principal of Non-Govt. Colleges act as Operator of PF Account |
3858-F dt. 15.05.2015 | Inclusion of HoA for GRIPS |
2854-F dt. 11.05.2015 | Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2015-16 |
3577-F dt. 06.05.2015 | Exempted category for Drawal of Bills under e-Pradan module |
3545-F dt. 05.05.2015 | Procedure of Drawal of Wages under Work-Charged Establishment |
3402-F dt. 28.04.2015 | Absence on 30.04.2015 will be treated as DIES NON |
3391-F dt. 28.04.2015 | Discontinuation of LOC System – Procedure for Bulk Purchase |
3385-F dt. 28.04.2015 | Residential Landline Telephone Charges of Secretary |
3312-F dt. 27.04.2015 | Authorised Banks to collect Government Revenue through GRIPS |
3292-F dt. 24.04.2015 | Discontinuation of LOC System – Further Guidelines |
64-FB dt. 21.04.2015 | Interest Rate on Loans and Advances for 2014-2015 |
63-FB dt. 21.04.2015 | Loans and Advances of State Govt. for 2014-2015 |
3135-F dt. 17.04.2015 | Corrigendum of Memo No. 2257-F(H) dated 11.03.2015 |
2438-F dt. 17.04.2015 | Self Appraisal Report cum ACR of Officers of WBA&AS |
3060-F dt. 13.04.2015 | Cheques in case of Advance drawal |
3045-F dt. 13.04.2015 | Clarification on Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) |
3044-F dt. 13.04.2015 | Rescheduled Date of Bill Submission through e-Pradan |
2956-F dt. 08.04.2015 | Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto May, 2015 |
2255-F dt. 02.04.2015 | Group Insurance Scheme 1983 – Table of Benefits, (445-468th) |
1670-FB dt. 31.03.2015 | Allotment of Fund for 2015-2016 (Vote-on-Account) |
2705-F dt. 30.03.2015 | Discontinuation of LOC System – Procedure of Drawal of Fund |
2649-F dt. 26.03.2015 | Public Holiday on 18.04.15 & 25.04.15 due to Municipal Poll |
447-FT dt. 24.03.2015 | West Bengal Finance Act, 2015 – Date of Effect |
2588-F dt. 24.03.2015 | Clarification on Implementation of COSA in Educational Inst. |
2500-F dt. 20.03.2015 | Engagement of 129 fresh Data Entry Operators in Treasuries |
214-F dt. 20.03.2015 | Enrolment in Cashless Medical Scheme – Last Date: 31.03.2016 |
2400-F dt. 17.03.2015 | New TR Form 68B related to Claim under Medical Scheme |
194-F dt. 16.03.2015 | Enrolment in Cashless Medical Scheme – Last Date Extended |
2257-F dt. 11.03.2015 | Status Report of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers in West Bengal |
1718-F dt. 08.03.2015 | Cadre Schedule of WBA&AS Officers, 2010 |
2050-F dt. 02.03.2015 | Receipt of Revenue by Various Departments through GRIPS |
1180-F dt. 25.02.2015 | COSA implementation in Grant-in-aid Institutions |
1179-F dt. 25.02.2015 | Implementation of e-Pradan (e-Payment) module of IFMS |
965-F dt. 18.02.2015 | Modification of T.R. Forms and Introduction of New TR Forms |
736-F dt. 10.02.2015 | Discontinuation of present Letter of Credit (LOC) System |
546-F dt. 02.02.2015 | Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Treasury for 2014-2015 |
545-F dt. 02.02.2015 | Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Kolkata PAO, 2014-2015 |
453-F dt. 28.01.2015 | Holiday in view of Bye-Election at Bongaon and Krishnanagar |
35-F dt. 21.01.2015 | Dearness Relief to Pensioners (pre-revised) w.e.f. 01.01.2015 |
12-F dt. 09.01.2015 | Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2015 |
145-F dt. 09.01.2015 | Dearness Allowance to Other than Govt. Employees wef 01.01.2015 |
144-F dt. 09.01.2015 | Grant of DA to Employees (Pre-Revised Scale) from January, 2015 |
143-F dt. 09.01.2015 | Grant of Dearness Allowance @65% and Wages w.e.f January 2015 |