
Public Works Department, West Bengal

PWD provides infrastructural support to all the departments directly under the Govt of West Bengal as well as different semi-Govt/ Govt Undertakings etc.


100-PR dt. 24.02.2023Deduction of TDS from Payment to Supplier of Goods or Services
7523-E dt. 16.12.2022Work Allotment of Deputy Secretary under Public Works Department
375-W dt. 01.12.2022Guidelines before Issuing Letter of Acceptance/ Work Order
7332-E dt. 24.11.2022Ceiling of Monthly Expenditure i/o Hired Inspection Vehicles
6836-PWD dt. 07.09.2022Fixation of Rates of Hired Inspection Vehicles under PWD
847-PW dt. 30.06.2022Approving Authority for Online Medical Reimbursement Claim
5809-E dt. 25.04.2022Work Allotment of Secretary, PWD and Joint Secretary (Personnel)
003-PW dt. 12.04.2022Proforma for Requisition of Fund by DDOs
002-PWD dt. 12.04.2022Standard Guidelines to DDOs under PWD regarding Non-Plan Head
140-W dt. 31.12.2021Levy of Vetting Fee for checking of plans, estimates, tender papers etc.
133-W dt. 22.12.2021License Fee and Performance Guarantee for Laying of Water Pipe Line
192-R dt. 17.11.2021Modified Guidelines for Laying of Water Pipelines on PWD Roads
4430-F dt. 21.09.2021Duties and Responsibilities of various Secretaries under PWD
385-ENC dt. 02.08.2021Modified Guideline for Use of Reinforcement Steel in RCC Structures
279-ENC dt. 25.05.2021Electrical Cable Layout Plan through Reinforced Concrete Members
28-PWD dt. 12.05.2021Disposal of Scrap/ Condemned/ Obsolete Items through e-Auction
171-ENC dt. 04.03.2021Directorial Committee of Public Works Directorate
2093-E dt. 12.02.2021Direct Engagement of Contractual Computer Operators under Govt.
77-ACS dt. 21.10.2020Guidelines/ SoP for taking up IT works of Government Department
765-ENC dt. 10.10.2020Guideline for Use of Reinforcement Steel in RCC Structures
63-PW dt. 08.06.2020Acceptance of Tender by Requisitioning Dept. executed by PWD
786-E dt. 07.04.2020Extension of Tenure of Contractual Engagement of Computer Operators
13-ACS dt. 21.01.2020Guidelines for Service Connections for Newly Constructed Buildings
4954-E dt. 24.12.2019Work Allotment of Additional Secretary and Joint Secretary, PWD
614-1M dt. 13.12.2019Scrutiny of Application for Appointment on Compassionate Ground
2384-E dt. 04.07.2019Minimum required APR/ SAR Rating for Promotion of Engineers
507-R dt. 20.03.2019Guidelines for Laying Water Pipelines along/in Roads
504-R dt. 19.03.2019Construction of Speed Breakers/ Humps on Roads
232-WC dt. 21.02.2019Precautions to Prevent Breeding of Mosquito Larva
2016-R dt. 19.02.2019Remuneration of Contractual Gr. C and D Workers under PWD
268-R dt. 18.02.2019Immediate Repair of Damages/ Distress of Roads
86-R dt. 15.01.2019Immediate Repair of Potholes/ Ditches formed over Roads
1658-R dt. 19.12.2018Updation of Data in Samiksha on Fortnightly Basis
342 dt. 20.11.2018Duties and Responsibilities of Chief Engineer Electrical, PWD
586-WC dt. 05.07.2018Guidelines for PWD Social Sector regarding Construction of Building
1027-E dt. 18.05.2018Self Appraisal Report in respect of Group-A Officers of PWD
603-R dt. 14.05.2018Updation of Data in Samiksha on Fortnightly Basis
311-W dt. 28.03.2018Clause in Composite Tenders for Building Works (Civil and Electrical)
148-C dt. 16.03.2018Instant Release of EMD for Unsuccessful Bidders
6873-PW dt. 29.01.2018Financial Power for Sanctioning any Extra Item
6754-PW dt. 18.12.2017Sanction of In-lieu Item and Excess Quantity
5951-PW dt. 02.11.2017Release of Security Deposit/ Bank Guarantee to Contractor
5984-PW dt. 12.09.2017Duration of Defect Liability Period in Govt. Works
2117-E dt. 20.06.2017Duties and Responsibilities of Junior Engineers under PWD
696-R dt. 15.06.2017Nomenclature of Road/ Bridge/ Culvert and Preparation of Estimate
388-W dt. 29.05.2017Use of Still & Video Photography before & after Completion of Projects
330-WC dt. 02.05.2017Revised Guidelines for Taking over Roads belonging to Other Deptt
111 dt. 07.04.2017Inclusion of Work Charged Employees under Health Scheme
773-E dt. 14.03.2017Recruitment Committee for Appointment under Die-in Harness
178-W dt. 09.03.2017Rule 220 of PWD Code regarding Post-Tender Negotiation
66-W dt. 02.02.2017Installation of Mobile Tower on Government Buildings
4042-E dt. 27.12.2016Income Tax Treatment on Interest on House Building Advance
617-W dt. 08.12.2016Maintenance of Water Supply Systems by Civil wing of PWD
474-W dt. 07.09.2016Certificates before release of Contractors Payment
379-W dt. 08.07.2016Construction of Tubewells and allied Works in Government Buildings
200-CS dt. 28.03.2016Provide CUG Mobile Service to Engineer Officers under PWD
33 dt. 25.02.2016Creation of 234 posts of Electrical Engineers in P.W.Dte.
32 dt. 25.02.2016Restructuring Circles, Divisions, Sub-Divisions of PWD (Elect)
31 dt. 25.02.2016Recruitment Rules for Work Assistant (Electrical) under PWD
30 dt. 25.02.2016Recruitment Rules for Engineers under PWD (Mechanical)
29 dt. 25.02.2016Recruitment Rules for Engineers under PWD (Electrical)
28 dt. 25.02.2016Recruitment Rules for Engineers under Public Works (Civil)
17 dt. 09.02.2016Self Financing Housing Scheme for Senior Level IAS Officers
01 dt. 08.01.2016Constitution of Safety Cell under Public Works Department
186 dt. 31.12.2015Minimum required APR Rating for Promotion to Chief Engineer
185 dt. 31.12.2015Post Creation of Joint Secretary at Public Works Department
547-W dt. 16.11.2015Suspension and Debarment of Contractor, Supplier and Consultant
154 dt. 30.09.2015New Scheme for Monetary Reward to Engineers/ Architects
153 dt. 30.09.2015Allowing higher scale of pay to 41 Superintending Engineers
456-WC dt. 16.09.2015Guidelines for Transfer of Building belonging to Other Department
455-WC dt. 16.09.2015Guidelines for Taking over Roads belonging to Other Department
06-W dt. 16.07.2015Time-Frame of Contractors Bill Submission by SAE, AE and EE
180-SPW dt. 09.06.2015Visit of State headquarters with prior permission by field officers
242-W dt. 20.05.2015Provision of Joint Venture for Road Works
05-CRC dt. 02.04.2015Technical Sanction for Repair Works in Residence – PWD Code
04-A/PW dt. 18.03.2015Credential Policy Modification: Amendment in PWD Code
03-A/PW dt. 12.03.2015Credential Policy: Amendment in PWD Code
78-W dt. 03.03.2015Levy of vetting fee for checking of plans, estimates, tender papers, etc.
75-W dt. 03.03.2015Categorisation of Lift for Installation in Govt. Buildings
29 dt. 19.02.201530 Off Days to Contractual Computer Operators
45-W dt. 13.02.2015Bid Evaluation Committee and Financial Information of the Bidders
44-W dt. 13.02.2015Mode of Requirement of Machineries and Equipments in Public Works
3629-E dt. 08.12.2014Deployment of AE and SAE on Contractual basis
410-A/PW dt. 01.12.2014Determination of Eligibility for Selection of Contractors
49-Works dt. 18.11.2014Preparation of DPR (Electrical) as per National Building Code
338-SPW dt. 18.11.2014Guidelines and Procedures to get Estimates vetted by PWD
2648-E dt. 25.08.2014
2647-E dt. 25.08.2014
2646-E dt. 25.08.2014
2645-E dt. 25.08.2014
Procedure of Preparation of APR in respect of Engineer Officers
716-W dt. 19.08.2014Vetting of Estimate of Works originating in Districts/ Kolkata
206 dt. 14.08.2014Post Upgrade from Deputy Secretary to Joint Secretary in PWD
137 dt. 24.04.2014Amendment in Public Works Department Code
82 dt. 28.03.2014New Designation and Office of DDOs in PWD Electrical and Mechanical
70 dt. 04.03.2014Posts and Staff Strengths of Zonal Chief Engineers, P.W.Dte
66 dt. 04.03.2014Restructuring of Public Works Department
40 dt. 25.02.2014Reorganizing Electrical and Mechanical Circles under PWD
33 dt. 12.02.2014Shifting of DDO to New Treasury due to Re-Organization
24-A dt. 31.01.2014Security Deposit and Earnest Money: Amendment in PWD Code
02-CRC dt. 29.01.2014Reconstitution of Tender Committee of Public Works Department
24 dt. 29.01.2014Jurisdiction of Sub-Divisions under various NH Divisions of PW (R)
22 dt. 29.01.2014Reallocation of duties of NH Divisions under NH Wing of P.W. (R)
05 dt. 06.01.2014Engagement of Assistant Engineer, PWD on Contractual Basis
236 dt. 27.12.2013Reorganization of Circles under PW Dte., PW (R) Dte. and PW (CB) Dte.
182 dt. 25.09.2013Engagement of Sub-Assistant Engineers on Contractual Basis
152 dt. 30.08.2013Engagement of Sub-Assistant Engineers on Contractual Basis
551-G dt. 27.08.13Prior Permission before Purchase/ Sell of Movable/ Immovable Property
140 dt. 16.08.2013Transfer Policy of Personal Assistant working under P.W. Department
135 dt. 08.08.2013Re-organization of Caretaking Establishments of Govt. Buildings
01-W dt. 02.08.2013Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Detailed Project Report
131(A) dt 31.07.2013Dissolve of PWD Construction Board Branch
68 dt. 28.03.2013Restructuring of PWD Civil Circles, Divisions
67 dt. 28.03.2013Restructuring of PWD Electrical Circles, Divisions
56 dt. 14.03.2013Annual Performance Report (APR)
336-E dt. 12.02.2013Method of Appearing Recruitment Examination conducted by PSC
198-CRC dt. 21.12.2012Public Works Department Code – an Amendment
201 dt. 18.12.2012Appointment and Transfer of Group – D Employees under PWD
3484-E dt. 05.12.2012Transfer Policy of Head Assistant /Head Clerk /UDC/ LDC/ Typist
2980 dt. 05.09.2012Submission of Declaration of Assets Statement
360-E dt. 21.02.2012Transfer and Posting Policy of Sub-Assistant Engineers
PW-692 dt. 09.09.2011Broad Band connection or Data Card for all SEs and EEs
603-R dt. 07.08.2008Guidelines for Reservation of Rooms of Inspection Bungalows
340-A dt. 09.06.2007Functions of the Tender Committee – Public Works Rules 1987
662-E dt. 24.05.2007Redesignation of Technical Posts (Duties & Responsibilities)
433-L dt. 06.04.2006West Bengal Public Works Contractors (Regulation and Control) Act, 2006
226-E dt. 01.03.2006Special Pay of Head Estimator under rule 5 of WBSR – I
550-CS dt. 18.10.2002Rate of Charges for Accommodation at State Government Circuit House
1053-G dt. 07.06.1967Scale of Furniture for the Public Works Directorate Office

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