
West Bengal Treasury and Finance Rules

West Bengal Treasury and Financial Rules, Submission of Accounts to Treasury, Pay & Accounts, Kolkata, Classification and Accounting of Refund Revenue.

611-F dt. 10.02.2023Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2022-2023
3448-F dt. 23.08.2022Implementation of New CTS-2010 Cheques w.e.f. 01.09.2022
1331-F dt. 31.03.2022Drawal of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment of Fund, 2022-23
586-F dt. 16.02.2022Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2021-2022
466-F dt. 07.02.2022Physical Submission of Bills in Treasuries/ PAOs w.e.f 10.02.2022
81-F dt. 10.01.2022Submission of Bills in Treasuries during Resurgence of Pandemic
3233-F dt. 25.10.2021Physical Submission of Bills in Treasuries/ PAOs w.e.f 01.11.2021
2336-F dt. 11.08.2021Introduction of Treasury Form 68C and 31A
1222-F dt. 26.03.2021Drawal of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment of Fund for 2021-22
801-F dt. 27.02.2021Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2020-2021
422-F dt. 29.01.2021Physical Submission of Bills in Treasuries/ PAOs w.e.f 01.02.2021
1422-F dt. 26.03.2020Drawal of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment of Fund for the year, 2020-21
1379-F dt. 23.03.2020Providing Essential Treasury related Services during Lockdown
2699-F dt. 10.05.2019Discontinuation of Issuance of Cheque by Treasuries/ PAOs
2646-F dt. 03.05.2019New TR Form No. 73 for Drawal of various Allowances
2479-F dt. 24.04.2019Implementation of Cheque Truncation System (CTS)
1950-F dt. 28.03.2019Guidelines for Payment of Bills of Works/ Forest Departments
1214-F dt. 20.02.2019Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2018-2019
560-F dt. 18.01.2019Steps for Issuance of DDO Code and Drawal Authority
7580-F dt. 07.12.2018Drawal authority for Drawing and Disbursing Officers
5808-F dt. 10.09.2018Furnishing Hard Copy of Beneficiary List to Treasury
5709-F dt. 05.09.2018Ensuring Adequate Allotment to DDOs and Drawal of Bills, 2018
4718-F dt. 24.07.2018Categories of Bill to be accepted by Treasuries/ PAOs, 2018
4456-F dt. 11.07.2018Provisions in WBTR, 2005 in regard to DDO Functioning
1560-F dt. 14.03.2018T.R. Form 7C for depositing money for GPF
6415-F dt. 23.10.2017Introduction of New TR Form No. 51
5741-F dt. 12.09.2017Surrender of Funds lying in PL/Deposit Accounts – Clarifications
5801-F dt. 14.09.2017Discontinue Reports/ Registers at Treasuries/PAOs
5536-F dt. 04.09.2017Surrender of Funds lying in PL/ Deposit Accounts
5469-F dt. 01.09.2017Payment of Salary for the Month of September, 2017
3685-F dt. 13.06.2017Irregular Deposition of Income Tax through TR-7 Challan
3261-F dt. 25.05.2017Ensuring Adequate Allotment to DDOs and Drawal of Bills, 2017
1402-F dt. 08.03.2017Detailed Contingency Bill in TR 28 against Multiple Advances
1371-F dt. 07.03.2017Submission of Bill to Treasuries – No more Annexures
1142-F dt. 23.02.2017Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2016-2017
51-F dt. 03.01.2017Procedure to be followed by DDOs of Newly created Departments
5891-F dt. 16.11.2016Payment of Claims in Anticipation of Allotment (Dec, 2016)
5290-F dt. 04.10.2016Revision of West Bengal Treasury Form No. 70C
3533-F dt. 04.07.2016Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto Dec, 2016
1611-F dt. 18.03.2016Refund of Tax/ Non-Tax Revenue incl. EMD/ SD Money
1523-F dt. 16.03.2016Bill Submission Date to PAO and Treasury in March, 2016
1508-F dt. 15.03.2016Payment of Salary and Others for the Month of March, 2016
1110-F dt. 25.02.2016Constitution of West Bengal Treasury Rule Revision Committee
932-F dt. 18.02.2016TR 70B to Withdraw Unutilized Money from Works Deposit A/c
791-F dt. 11.02.2016Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Treasury for 2015-2016
8634-F dt. 23.12.2015Use of Official e-Mail ID by Drawing and Disbursing Officers
8532-F dt. 18.12.2015Discontinuation of LOC System – Migration from Forest Account
6454-F dt. 27.08.2015Disbursement of Salary on Last but One Working Day of Month
6295-F dt. 20.08.2015Inclusion of some more TR Forms under e-Billing module of IFMS
5973-F dt. 06.08.2015Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto Dec, 2015
5639-F dt. 22.07.2015Transfer of Local Fund and PF Deposit to Merged Municipalities
5503-F dt. 15.07.2015Discontinuation of LOC System – Remittance of Fund
4538-F dt. 10.06.2015Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto July, 2015
4525-F dt. 10.06.2015Treasuries/ PAO’s/ Banks will not accept Non-CTS-2010 Cheques
4507-F dt. 09.06.2015TR Form No. 70B for drawal of Fund under Public Account Head
3391-F dt. 28.04.2015Discontinuation of LOC System – Procedure for Bulk Purchase
3292-F dt. 24.04.2015Discontinuation of LOC System – Further Guidelines
2956-F dt. 08.04.2015Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto May, 2015
2705-F dt. 30.03.2015Discontinuation of LOC System – Procedure of Drawal of Fund
2050-F dt. 02.03.2015Receipt of Revenue by Various Departments through GRIPS
1179-F dt. 25.02.2015Implementation of e-Pradan (e-Payment) module of IFMS
965-F dt. 18.02.2015Modification of T.R. Forms and Introduction of New TR Forms
736-F dt. 10.02.2015Discontinuation of present Letter of Credit (LOC) System
546-F dt. 02.02.2015Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Treasury for 2014-2015
545-F dt. 02.02.2015Guidelines for Submission of Bills to Kolkata PAO, 2014-2015
6116-F dt. 03.12.2014Digital Signature Certificate for Operation of e-Pradan module
6101-F dt. 03.12.2014DSC for Non-DDO Officers to Function as e-NIT authorities
6100-F dt. 03.12.2014Procurement of DSC from M/s e-Mudhra Consumer Services Ltd
5531-F dt. 05.11.2014Procurement of Digital Signature Certificate with USB Token
FS-173 dt. 30.10.2014Implementation of e-Pradan from 01.12.2014
4905-F dt. 17.09.2014Procedure of e-Pradan of IFMS [e-Payment]
4681-F dt. 08.09.2014Receipt of Revenue in State Govt. Departments through GRIPS
4613-F dt. 04.09.2014Payment of Salary for the Month of September, 2014
4559-F dt. 01.09.2014Only Govt. Official may act as Drawing and Disbursing Officer
79/FY dt. 25.08.2014District Level Committee for Implementation of IFMS Project
4205-F dt. 13.08.2014SMS to Head of the Department in Online File Tracking System
4143-F dt. 11.08.2014Release of Fund if e-Tender Norms followed w.e.f. Sept, 2014
3915-F dt. 30.07.2014Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto Dec, 2014
3814-F dt. 22.07.2014Provision of Minimum Period of Time for Submission of Tender
1239-FT dt. 22.07.2014Mandatory Payment of ST, VAT, PT & State Excise through GRIPS
3790-F dt. 21.07.2014Minimum Wages to Private Security Agency deployed in Govt.
3789-F dt. 21.07.2014Agencies to do Printing Jobs at Government Departments
3697-F dt. 15.07.2014Deposit of State Govt. Tax through Government Receipt Portal
3667-F dt. 14.07.2014GRIPS Challan generated by Tender Inviting Authority
3666-F dt. 14.07.2014Procurement of DSC from any licensed Certified Agency of CCA
3112-F dt. 13.07.2014e-Tender is Mandatory for Companies and Parastatals
3060-F dt. 11.07.2014e-Tender is Mandatory for Procurement above Rs. 5 Lakh
3626-F dt. 10.07.2014Execution of MoU or Articles of Agreement with Work Agency
3611-F dt. 10.07.2014Approval of State Planning Board – Ceiling of Project Cost
3435-F dt. 01.07.2014Payment of Govt Revenue through Debit Card in GRIPS Portal
FS-112 dt. 18.06.2014e-Bantan (Online Budgetary Allotment) – Training
42/FY dt. 17.06.2014Nodal Officers cum Master Trainers of IFMS
3104-F dt. 13.06.2014Files to be Sent to Finance Deptt. through WFTS
2921-F dt. 03.06.2014Receipt of Revenue in Transport Dte. through GRIPS
2863-F dt. 02.06.2014Issue of Allotment Order through e-Bantan Mandated
2634-F dt. 20.05.2014Mutation Fee, Transfer Fee of Plots through GRIPS
2254-F dt. 24.04.2014Amendment of Rule 177 of WBFR regarding Tenders
2026-F dt. 08.04.2014Bidders undergoing Corporate Debt Restructuring
1956-F dt. 04.04.2014Amendment of West Bengal Financial Rules
1872-F dt. 02.04.2014Submission of grant-in-aid bills/cheques for salary in COSA
1746-F dt. 26.03.2014Guidelines for Drawal of Bills for the FY 2014-15
1726-F dt. 25.03.2014PSC Exam Fee and WBP Traffic Fine through GRIPS
1678-F dt. 24.03.2014Submission of 24G/24Q/26Q by TOs and DDOs within 31.03.2014
1592-F dt. 20.03.2014Submission of Hard Copy of EMD in case of e-Tender
1526-F dt. 18.03.2014On-line receipt and refund of EMD of E-tender through portal
1283-F dt. 05.03.2014Validity of LOC Cheques issued before 31.03.2014
2088-F dt. 28.02.2014Introduction of Integrated Financial Management System, IFMS
1177-F dt. 28.02.2014Abolition of Enlistment of Contractors by Works Dte.
1181-F dt. 28.02.2014Computerized Central Clearing System in Finance Department
1160-F dt. 28.02.2014Switch over to e-Tender Procedure by State Govt. Departments
531-F dt. 30.01.2014e-Receipt of Examination Fees of WB Health Recruitment Board
460-F dt. 27.01.2014Re-Constitution of State Level Core Committee iro e-Tender
Admn. 345 dt. 27.01.2014Transfer and Posting Policy of staffs of O/o Accountant General
141-F dt. 08.01.2014Directions to Treasuries for the FY Ending 2013-14
140-F dt. 08.01.2014Guidelines for Payment of Bills for F.Y. 2013-14
32-F(Y) dt. 02.01.2014Sanction and Release of RIDF Fund by the Administrative Dte.
9055-F dt. 30.12.2013Integrated Financial Management System – Telephone
8766-F dt. 12.12.2013Release of fund from Kolkata Pay and Accounts Offices and Treasuries
6932-F dt. 29.08.2013Mandatory e-Tendering for Value above 5 Lakhs
5655-F dt. 15.07.2013Further measures to facilitate COSA implementation
5533-F dt. 09.07.2013List of Participating Banks in GRIPS Portal
4470-F dt. 05.06.2013Agreement Form Execution of Work through Agency – Amendment
4245-F dt. 20.05.2013Exemption of Earnest Money and Security Deposit for SSI units
110-F.B. dt. 26.04.2013Introduction of New Letter of Credit System
2667-F dt. 01.04.2013Release of Fund from PAO & Treasury for Financial Year 2013-14
2463-F dt. 22.03.2013Last Date of Treasury Transaction for the Financial Year 2012-13
2261-F dt. 15.03.2013Investment by the State Government Institutions in the Term Deposit
2095-F dt. 11.03.2013Passing of Medical Reimbursment Bill in anticipation of Allotment
1998-F dt. 07.03.2013Validity of LOC Cheques for 2012-13
1240-F dt. 18.02.2013Accounting Procedure of Execution of Works through PSU’s
585-F dt. 21.01.2013Operation and Maintenance of Bank Accounts with Govt. Fund
531-F dt. 18.01.2013Programme of Pay & Accounts Office, Kolkata for 2012-13
530-F dt. 18.01.2013Programme of Treasury for Closing of Financial Year 2012-13
513-F dt. 17.01.2013Allotment of Fund under the Major Head ‘3454′ for 2012-2013
50-F dt. 02.01.2013Passing of Bills in anticipation of Allotment of Fund
5-F dt. 01.01.2013Officers of WBAA Service Designated as Treasury Officer
10618-F dt. 31.12.2012e-Payment is Mandatory for all types of Government Payments
10578-F dt. 28.12.2012Revised procedure for Over the Counter Receipt through GRIPS
10445-F dt. 24.12.2012Validity period of Cheque, Draft, Pay Order, Banker’s Cheque
10001-F dt. 07.12.2012Payment regarding implementation of COSA Package
9754-F dt. 03.12.2012Re-Tender Procedure of West Bengal Government
9701-F dt. 30.11.2012Help Desk for e-Procurement of Goods and Services
9668-F dt. 30.11.2012List of Banks to Conduct State Govt. Business
9368-F dt. 20.11.2012Mandatory Generation of Salary Bills through COSA Software Package
1382-FB dt. 12.11.2012Training on Workflow based Online File Tracking System
FS/5439 dt. 06.11.2012Implementation of Workflow Based Online File Tracking System
8648-F dt. 12.10.2012Clarifications of Purchase Policy
8298-F dt. 03.10.2012On-line and Off-line Receipts of Tax/ Non-Tax Revenue through GRIPS
8206-F dt. 27.09.2012Broadband Internet Connection in each Treasury
8183-F dt. 26.09.2012Clarifications of Purchase Policy – Engagement of Agency
8154-F dt. 25.09.2012Deployment of Retired Person in Treasury as DEO
6426-F dt. 25.07.2012Inclusion of Banks to Handle Govt Transaction
6424-F dt. 25.07.2012Constitution of State Level Core Committee i.r.o. e-Tender
6037-F dt. 13.07.2012Implementation of COSA Extended upto 31.10.2012
5424-F dt. 26.06.2012Clarification on e-Tender
5400-F dt. 25.06.2012New Purchase Policy
4111-F dt. 17.05.2012Procurement of Computer for COSA
4109-F dt. 17.05.2012Nodal Officer for e-Tender
FS-81 dt. 17.05.2012Common Problems implementing COSA
3739-F dt. 03.05.2012Mandatory publication of ‘Tender Inviting Notice’ on e-Tender Portal
3232-F.B. dt. 31.03.2012Allotment Order on passing of Vote-on-Account Budget
2552-F dt. 27.03.2012New Grant in Aid Sanction Order
2312-F dt. 19.03.2012Instructions regarding release of fund from Kolkata PAO and Treasuries
1885-F dt. 02.03.2012Matters under Administrative Departments Disposal
1829-F dt. 01.03.2012Drawal of salary bills using COSA software package
1240-F dt. 10.02.2012Introduction of T.R. Form No. 36A
305-F dt. 06.02.2012Implementation of COSA application package in DDO offices
735-F dt. 24.01.2012Passing of bills in anticipation of allotment of fund
545-F dt. 17.01.2012Directions to Treasuries for Financial Year Ending
544-F dt. 17.01.2012Directions to PAO for Financial Year Closing
11214-F dt. 15.12.2011Salary of teaching and non-teaching employees of Aided Colleges
9125-F dt. 22.09.2011Payment of Salary in Cash (ePS Scheme)
9008-F dt. 16.09.2011Regularization of Temporary Contractual Employees
8956-F dt. 14.09.2011Financial Assistance to the Clubs of Government Employees, 2011-12
8846-F dt. 12.09.2011Payment of Salary through A/c Payee Cheque
2684-F dt. 06.04.2011Verification of balances of Local Fund, P. L. and Deposit Accounts
7801-F dt. 22.07.2010Monthly rate of cleaning and servicing of office equipments
7752-F dt. 21.07.2010Standard Form for Grants-in-Aid sanction order
4385-F dt. 31.05.2010Adjustment of advance drawn in connection with election
9420-F dt. 13.10.2009Amendment to Sub-rule(2) of rule 4.170 of WBTR
5509-F dt. 06.08.2009Regarding drawal of bills against allotments and relaxation thereof
3564-WT dt. 24.11.2008Revised order of hiring charge of Motor vehicles
8117-F dt. 31.10.2008Framing of revised estimate realistically to avoid excess expenditure
3889-PAC dt. 26.8.2008Deposit of undisbursed amount of L. A. Compensation award
288-FT dt. 29.2.2008Rate of commission on Sale of Stamp
1227-F dt 13.02.2008Timely reconciliation of departmental account
383-F dt. 11.01.2008Fixing the dates of disbursement of salaries/wages etc.
825-LW dt. 15.10.2007Opening of sub-head for W.B. Labour Welfare Fund Act. 74
7273-F dt. 22.08.2007Settlement of discrepancies – R.B.D.
5576-F dt. 24.07.2007Noting of correct Head of Account in Challan
5462-F dt. 18.07.2007Establishment of the PAO, New Delhi for financial business
3724-F dt. 10.05.2007Procedure of Refund of Revenue & Recoveries of overpayment
3159-F dt. 20.04.2007Submission of Annual Account to Pr. A.G.
2523-F dt. 30.03.2007Instruction regarding release of fund from PAOs and Treasuries
675-F dt. 22.01.2007Streamline to open and operative Bank A/c for Govt. transaction
545-F dt. 19.01.2007Financial Sanction of the Secretariat of the W.B. Legislative Assembly
5951-F dt. 07.08.2006Payment of salary through Electronic cleaning system
DT-1117 dt. 10.07.2006Pensioner portion of PPO hand over to family pensioner
3962-F dt. 29.08.2006Dealing with and accounting for Revenue and Deposit in Accounts
3961-F dt. 29.08.2006Procedure of drawal of fund for work expenditure and LOC cheque
4363-F dt. 13.06.2006Format of Asset register
1560-F dt. 22.02.2006Discontinuation of encashment of Demand Draft of Rs. 50,000 and above
10510-F dt. 21.12.2005Exemption from the provisions laid down in Rule 4.086 of Treasury Rules
10582-F dt. 23.12.2005Telephone facilities of Officers
8428-F dt. 04.10.2005Demand No., Code No., Head of Account etc. to be mentioned
7700-F dt. 01.09.2005Personal Claims of Govt. employees payment by Cheque
7019-F dt. 04.08.2005Non-inclusion in the Treasury Rules for the purpose of inclusion in WBFR
6943-F dt. 02.08.2005Procedure of withdrawal of balance in the inoperative P.L. Account
4840-FB dt. 10.06.2005West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005
4205-F dt. 12.05.2005Drawal of Advance in A.C. Bill
528-FB dt. 01.03.2005Demand No. & Deptt. Code No.
717-F dt. 20.01.2005Recovery of dues of Cooperative Society
10500-F dt. 19.11.2004Revised Purchase Policy-amendments thereof
13268-F dt. 09.12.2003Refund of Earnest Money/Security Deposit
2711-FB dt. 30.09.2002Economy measures Instruction
764-WT dt. 15.02.2002Revised Rates of Govt. vehicles for use of non-official purpose
DT-1910 dt. 27.11.2001Submission of Original authority of A.G. not required along with Bill
10305-F dt. 19.11.2001Allotment of DDO. Code to the NGO
4100-FB dt. 13.12.2000Economy measures instruction
4597-F dt. 19.05.1999Modification of Head of accounts
2388-F dt. 09.03.1990Retention of Heavy Cash Balance in Office
3797-F dt. 20.04.1985Payment of Arrear Claim (in place of pre-audit)
Nil dated 18.04.1979West Bengal Finance Rules

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