
Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal

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West Bengal Govt. Circulars, Notifications, Clarifications, Memorandum related to Higher Education Department/ Education Directorate, Government of West Bengal.

526-Edn dt. 05.12.2023Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses (2nd year), 2023-24
512-Edn dt. 29.11.2023Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2023-24
466-Edn dt. 16.10.2023Fee Revision of Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Arch. Colleges, 2023-24
425-F dt. 19.09.2023Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses, 2023-24
628-Edn dt. 18.09.2023Modification in Reservation Rules of EWS in Admission
412-Edn dt. 14.09.2023Issuance of NOC for conducting Degree Programmes
603-Edn dt. 11.09.2023Reopening of Online Portal for UG Admission, 2023-24
907-Edn dt. 05.09.2023State Education Policy, 2023
794-Edn dt. 17.08.2023Fact Finding Committee in Jadavpur University
780-Edn dt. 14.08.2023Prohibition of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions
849-Edn dt. 04.08.2023Toll-Free Number for Complaints related to Ragging
439-Edn dt. 13.07.2023Online Admission into PG Courses for Session, 2023-24
409-Edn dt. 27.06.2023Extension of Tenure of Governing Bodies of Govt-aided Colleges, 2024
372-Edn dt. 08.06.2023Admission in Teachers Training Programmes, 2023-2025
354-Edn dt. 02.06.2023Online Admission into UG Courses for Session, 2023-24
339-Edn dt. 26.05.2023Reservation of EWS in Admission in Higher Educational Institution
192-Edn dt. 21.03.2023Grant of D.A. to Employees of Colleges wef March, 2023
238-SSE dt. 27.12.2022Guidelines for Observation of Students’ Week
475-Edn dt. 19.12.2022Leave Rules and Health Scheme of State Aided College Teacher
960-Edn dt. 15.12.2022Extension of Tenure of Governing Bodies of Govt-aided Colleges
394-Edn dt. 04.11.2022Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2022-23
391-Edn dt. 03.11.2022Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses, 2022-23
372-Edn dt. 18.10.2022Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses (2nd year), 2022-23
671-Edn dt. 08.09.2022Reopening of Online Portal for UG Admission, 2022-23
626-Edn dt. 18.08.2022Grant of Dearness Allowance to Employees of Colleges wef Jan, 2021
508-Edn dt. 30.06.2022Admission in Teachers Training Programmes, 2022-2024
507-Edn dt. 30.06.2022Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2022-23
222-Edn dt. 21.03.2022Recruitment Rules of Principals in State-aided Degree Colleges
169-Edn dt. 04.03.2022Drawal of Gratuity by PTT or CWTT who retired before 01.01.2020
89-Edn dt. 31.01.2022Re-Opening of Colleges and Universities w.e.f. 03.02.2022
08-Edn dt. 04.01.2022Quarantine Leave for Non-Teaching Employee of Universities
07-Edn dt. 04.01.2022Quarantine Leave for Whole Time Teachers of State-aided Universities
323-Edn dt. 29.10.2021Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses, 2021-22
1058-Edn dt. 28.10.2021Reopening of Colleges and Universities w.e.f. 16.11.2021
990-Edn dt. 24.09.2021Medical Relief in favour of Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of HED
1054-HED dt. 22.09.2021Remuneration of IT Personnel engaged on Contractual basis
960-Edn dt. 17.09.2021Pension of College Staffs on Compulsory Retirement as a Penalty
927-Edn dt. 06.09.2021Conveyance Allowance to Handicapped Employees of Colleges
819-Edn dt. 12.08.2021Leave Rules and Health Scheme of “State Aided College Teacher”
706-Edn dt. 13.07.2021Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2021-22
706-Edn dt. 13.07.2021Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2021-22
705-Edn dt. 13.07.2021Admission in Teachers Training Programmes, 2021-2023
12-Edn dt. 10.05.2021Ex-gratia Payment to Teaching/ Non-teaching Employees, 2021
11-Edn dt. 10.05.2021Ex-Gratia to Pensioners of State-Aided University, 2020-21
10-Edn dt. 10.05.2021Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2020-21
329-Edn dt. 24.02.2021Determination of Workload of Graduate Laboratory Instructors
59-HED dt. 15.02.2021WBSROPA Rules, 2019 for staffs of Institute of Historical Studies
208-Edn dt. 05.02.2021Dearness Relief to Pensioners (pre-revised) w.e.f. 01.01.2021
01-Edn dt. 04.02.2021K-3 Component under Swami Vivekananda MCM Scholarship
172-Edn dt. 28.01.2021Dearness Relief @ 3% to Pensioners of Colleges wef Jan, 2021
976-Edn dt. 18.12.2020Recruitment Rules of Assistant Professor in Degree College
23-Gen/SS dt. 04.12.2020Hindi Scholarship Scheme, 2020-21
358-Edn dt. 30.11.2020Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses, 2020-21
644-Edn dt. 11.11.2020HRA to Employee of Education Dte. whose Spouse also Works
785-Edn dt. 24.09.2020Counting of Past Service rendered by University Employees
213-Edn dt. 14.02.2020Revision of Pension (Post-01.01.2016) of Non-Teaching Staffs
211-Edn dt. 14.02.2020Revision of Pension (Post-01.01.2016) of Teaching Staffs of Colleges
210-Edn dt. 14.02.2020Revision of Pension (Pre-01.01.2016) of Teaching Staffs of Colleges
150-Edn dt. 10.02.2020ROPA in respect of Pro-Vice-Chancellor of State-aided Universities
120-Edn dt. 03.02.2020Amendment of No. 1306-Edn dated 30.12.2019
119-Edn dt. 03.02.2020ROPA in respect of Vice-Chancellor of State-aided Universities
28-Edn dt. 09.01.2020ROPA, 2019 for Non Teaching Employees of Colleges and WBCSC
11-Edn dt. 07.01.2020ROPA, 2019 for Employees of Engineering and Technology Colleges
1306-Edn dt. 30.12.2019ROPA, 2019 for Employees of Colleges and Universities
2081-Edn dt. 23.12.2019Service Condition and Remuneration of State Aided College Teacher
1906-Edn dt. 19.11.2019Payment of Service related Financial Benefit of Transferee in College
361-Edn dt. 17.07.2019Guidelines for Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses
664-Edn dt. 17.06.2019Ex-Gratia to Pensioners of State-Aided University, 2018-19
898-Edn dt. 12.06.2019Transfer of Employees of Govt. aided/ Sponsored Colleges
625-Edn dt. 04.06.2019Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2018-19
804-Edn dt. 13.05.2019Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2019-20
456-Edn dt. 07.03.2019Upper Age Limit for Assistant Professors and Librarians
314-Edn dt. 22.02.2019Assessment of Hours spent by College Teacher for Paper
228-Edn dt. 20.02.2019Assessment of Hours spent for Paper Setting in College
104-Edn dt. 24.01.2019Retirement Age Enhanced to 65 in College and University
01-Edn dt. 02.01.2019Flow chart for settlement of reimbursement of claims
755-Edn dt. 20.12.2018Guidelines for Implementation of West Bengal Free-ship Scheme
1101-Edn dt. 12.12.2018Enhancement of DA/ DR in Universities w.e.f. Jan, 2019
575-Edn dt. 07.09.2018Pay scale of Principals of Govt. Engineering Colleges
864-Edn dt. 06.09.2018Pay scale of Principals of Govt. Engineering Colleges
1020-Edn dt. 29.08.2018WBHS for Beneficiaries of Grant-in-aid Colleges and Universities, 2017
338-Edn dt. 23.08.2018Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2018-19
987-Edn dt. 21.08.2018Online admissions, Academic Session 2018-19 to all UG Courses
488-Edn dt. 18.07.2018Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2018-19
842-Edn dt. 17.07.2018Filling Up of Vacant Seats of UG Courses, 2018-19
781-Edn dt. 04.07.2018Last Date for Online Admission to UG Course, 2018-19
758-Edn dt. 03.07.2018Online Admission into UG/ PG without any Physical Presence
429-Edn dt. 22.06.2018Fee Structure of Engineering & Technology Colleges, 2018-19
563-Edn dt. 13.06.2018Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2017-18
612-Edn dt. 01.06.2018Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2018-19
493-Edn dt. 25.05.2018Including Teachers of State-Aided Universities under Health Scheme
ED-668 dt. 27.04.2018Implementation of e-Pension for College Employees – SOP
488-Edn dt. 25.04.2018Guidelines for Admission to B.Ed Course, 2018
ED-630 dt. 04.04.2018Implementation of e-Pension for College Employees – SOP
243-Edn dt. 29.03.2018Common Entrance Examination for Sikh Minority, 2018
371-Edn dt. 26.03.2018e-Pension Scheme for Employees of Grant-in-Aid Colleges
ED-587 dt. 22.03.2018Vector Control Measures in College Premises of West Bengal
224-Edn dt. 16.03.2018CAS & Re-designation in Govt. Engg. Colleges – Clarification
76-ILC dt. 28.02.2018Eligibility Criteria for Vice-Principal of Govt-aided College
171-Edn dt. 15.02.2018Uniform Leave Rules for Govt. aided Colleges of West Bengal
164-Edn dt. 13.02.2018Minimum Pension of Principals of Govt. aided Colleges
170-Edn dt. 15.02.2018Selection Committee for Recruitment of Non-Teaching Employees
325-ILC dt. 29.12.2017Graduate Laboratory Instructors eligible for Leave Encashment
1373-Edn dt. 07.12.2017CAS of Teachers and Librarians in Govt.-aided Colleges
1343-Edn dt. 07.12.2017Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) of University Staff
198-EH dt. 07.12.2017New CAS for Teachers/ Librarians/ Physical Instructors
1333-Edn dt. 06.12.2017Dearness Relief to Pensioners of Universities wef Jan, 2018
1332-Edn dt. 06.12.2017Dearness Allowance to Employees of Universities wef Jan, 2018
1308-Edn dt. 22.11.2017Monitoring Committee of Self-financed B.Ed. Colleges
280-ILC dt. 03.11.2017Minority Status of Brahmo Samaj Education Society
1185-Edn dt. 30.10.2017Dearness Relief to Pensioners of Colleges @ 100%
276-ILC dt. 30.10.2017West Bengal Colleges (Transfer of Employees) Rules, 2017
1034-Edn dt. 15.09.2017UGC (Minimum Standard for award of M. Phil/ Ph. D) Regulations
568-Edn dt. 11.09.2017Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2017-18
969-Edn dt. 11.09.2017Ex-Gratia to Pensioners of Non-Govt. Colleges, 2017
940-Edn dt. 25.08.2017Recruitment of Non-Teaching Employees in Colleges
848-Edn dt. 01.08.2017WBHS for Grant-in-aid College and University Teachers, 2017
08-EH dt. 28.07.2017Swami Vivekananda MCM Scholarship to Kanyashree Girls
827-EH dt. 26.07.2017Swasthya Sathi for Nonteaching Staff of College and University
819-Edn dt. 25.07.2017Re-Employment of Part Time Teachers/ Guest Lecturers
439-Edn dt. 18.07.2017Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2017-18
772-Edn dt. 13.07.2017Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to PTTs and CWTTs for the year 2016-17
763-Edn dt. 12.07.2017Recruitment Rules of Principal in Teachers’ Training Colleges
780-L dt. 06.07.2017Kalyani University (Amendment) Act, 2017
717-Edn dt. 03.07.2017Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2016-17
716-Edn dt. 03.07.2017Ex-Gratia to Pensioners of State-Aided University, 2016-17
722-L dt. 30.06.2017West Bengal College Service Commission (Amendment) Act, 2017
721-L dt. 30.06.2017Jadavpur University (Amendment) Act, 2017
710-Edn dt. 28.06.2017Recruitment Rules of Principal in General Degree Colleges
592-Edn dt. 01.06.2017Intake Capacity of Higher Education Institutions, 2017-18
168-ILC dt. 07.06.2017WB Universities and Colleges (Election of Students’ Council) Rules
52-Edn dt. 07.06.2017Scheme for non-NET Fellowship to Full-Time M.Phil/ Ph.D Scholars
DS-118 dt. 06.06.2017Higher Secondary Routine (Old Syllabus), 2018
516-Edn dt. 16.05.2017Recruitment Rules of Assistant/ Associate Professor and Professor
503-Edn dt. 12.05.2017Advance Increments to Teachers, Librarians, Physical Instructors
478-Edn dt. 03.05.2017Swasthya Sathi for Casual Workers of Colleges and Universities
413-Edn dt. 21.04.2017Qualifications of Assistant Professor for Teachers Training
375-Edn dt. 13.04.2017Leave Travel Concession for College and University Employees
325-L dt. 22.03.2017WB Universities and Colleges (Administration and Regulation) Act
222-Edn dt. 02.03.2017Advertisement prior to Issuance of UGC Regulations, 2016
216-Edn dt. 01.03.2017Advisory on Fresh Direct Recruitment to Teaching Posts
209-Edn dt. 01.03.2017Steering Committee for Bishwa Bangla University
104-Edn dt. 07.02.2017Dearness Relief to Pensioners of Colleges w.e.f. 01.01.2017
103-Edn dt. 07.02.2017Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave in Higher Education Deptt.
37-ILC dt. 27.01.2017Retirement Age Enhanced to 62 years in College and University
83-Edn dt. 27.01.2017“Appointed Day” for the Diamond Harbour Women’s University
78-Edn dt. 27.01.2017CWTTs or PTTs shall be entitled to avail Study Leave
Nil dt. 25.01.2017West Bengal Universities (Control of Expenditure) Ordinance, 2017
34-Edn dt. 13.01.2016Carry forward of Annual Medical Leave of PTTs and CWTTs
ED-1009 dt. 15.12.2016Illustrations for Fixation of Pay for phD
1019-Edn dt. 07.12.2016Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave for University Employees
274-ILC dt. 07.12.2016Child Care Leave for University Employees
984-Edn dt. 30.11.2016Re-Employment of University Teachers upon Superannuation
986-ED dt. 24.11.2016Procedure to Grant Incentives for Higher Qualification
896-Edn dt. 08.11.2016Corrigendum of 892-Edn dt. 04.11.2016
892-Edn dt. 04.11.2016Grant of Incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil/ LL.M., M.Tech etc.
655-Edn dt. 20.09.2016Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2016-17
652-Edn dt. 19.09.2016Guidelines on Admission through Lateral Entry Scheme, 2016-17
1050-C dt. 22.07.2016Send Service Book before 8 Months of Retirement
507-Edn dt. 19.07.2016Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2016-17
501-Edn dt. 13.07.2016Local Holiday – Joint Entrance Examination (Medical), 2016
ED-662 dt. 11.05.2016Local Holiday – West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination, 2016
396-Edn dt. 29.04.2016Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2016-17
ED-591 dt. 12.04.2016Payment of Salary to Staff of Colleges through e-Pradan
301-Edn dt. 14.03.2016Guidelines for Universities and Colleges – Admission to B.Ed
187-L dt. 19.02.2016Sanskrit College and University Act, 2015
20-ILC dt. 17.02.2016Retirement Age of Principals of Aided Autonomous Colleges
119-Edn dt. 11.02.2016Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) under the affiliation of WBUTTE
72-Edn dt. 11.02.2016West Bengal Freeship Scheme (WBFS) – Extension of Benefits
08-ILC dt. 13.01.2016Guidelines to Grant Child Care Leave to Female Employees
16-Edn dt. 07.01.2016Dearness Relief to Pensioners of Universities wef Jan, 2016
15-Edn dt. 07.01.2016Dearness Allowance to Employees of Universities wef Jan, 2016
2586-Edn dt. 11.12.2015Enhancement of Remuneration of PTTs (College) wef 01.01.2016
1139-Edn dt. 10.12.2015Enhancement of Remuneration of PTTs and CWTTs wef 01.01.2016
526-Edn dt. 10.12.2015Enhancement of Remuneration of PTTs (Technical) wef 01.01.2016
2513-Edn dt. 01.12.2015Services by University under WB Right to Public Service Act
1097-Edn dt. 30.11.2015Pensionary Benefits to Hostel and Mess Workers of Colleges
1116-Edn dt. 26.11.2015Advice on Elections to Students’ Unions in Education, 2016
ED/605 dt. 23.11.2015CAS for Teachers/ Librarians of Colleges – Clarification
492-Edn dt. 19.11.2015Re-Designation and CAS for Teachers of Govt. Engg. Colleges
980-Edn dt. 15.10.2015Power of Managing Committee of Kolkata Day student’s Home
ED/544 dt. 06.10.2015West Bengal Youth Parliament Competition Scheme, 2015-16
2171-Edn dt. 06.10.2015Clarification regarding CAS & Re-designation in Govt. Colleges
951-Edn dt. 06.10.2015Clarification regarding Re-Designation in Govt. Aided Colleges
945-Edn dt. 06.10.2015Delayed Admission in B. Ed. Course in Self Financing TTIs
888-Edn dt. 18.09.2015Grant of Adhoc Bonus to PTTs and CWTTs (General) for 2014-15
885-Edn dt. 17.09.2015Policy for Setting up Self-financing Degree Colleges in West Bengal
913-Edn dt. 16.09.2015Ex-Gratia to Pensioners of State-Aided University, 2014-15
912-Edn dt. 16.09.2015Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2014-15
872-Edn dt. 14.09.2015Age Relaxation of Part-time or Whole-time Contractual Teacher
858-Edn dt. 08.09.2015NOC of the University for Establishment of TTIs
390-Edn dt. 03.09.2015Guidelines on Admission through Lateral Entry Scheme, 2015-16
ED-471 dt. 21.08.2015Requisition of Colleges and College Staffs for TET, 2015
752-Edn dt. 10.08.2015Vacant Reserved Seats in Admission to Colleges, 2015-16
329-Edn dt. 23.07.2015Guidelines for Admission through De-Centralized Counseling
328-Edn dt. 23.07.2015West Bengal Free-Ship Scheme in Engg. Colleges for 2015-16
848-L dt. 29.06.2015West Bengal State Council of Higher Education Act, 2015
586-Edn dt. 26.06.2015Bilingual Question Paper for B.Ed/ B.P.Ed/ M.Ed/ M.P.Ed Exam
578-Edn dt. 26.06.2015Implementation of New Sports Policy, 2015
492-Edn dt. 02.06.2015No HELP DESK in Universities and Colleges during Admission
788-HE dt. 04.05.2015RTI Appellate Authority in Higher Education Department, 2015
365-Edn dt. 21.04.2015Reservation in Admission to Higher Educational Institutions
156-Edn dt. 10.04.2015Common Entrance Examination for Sikh Minority, 2015
155-Edn dt. 10.04.2015Local Holiday – West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination, 2015
346-Edn dt. 08.04.2015Admission Fees for 2 year B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed.
23-Edn dt. 07.04.2015Submission of schemes/proposals for fund release during 2015-16
330-Edn dt. 06.04.2015Guidelines to Universities and Colleges offering B.Ed Degree
329-Edn dt. 06.04.2015Curriculum Committee for B.Ed, B.P.Ed, M.Ed, and M.P.Ed Syllabus
333-Edn dt. 02.04.2015Promotion to Reader/ Lecturer (Selection Grade) – Clarification
312-Edn dt. 31.03.2015Clarification on eligibility for Reader/ Lecturer (Selection Grade)
ED-404 dt. 31.03.2015Re-designation to the post of Associate Professor under CAS
ED-403 dt. 31.03.2015Clarification towards the implementation of CAS
290-Edn dt. 30.03.2015Preparedness for On-line Admission to UG/PG Course, 2015-16
132-Edn dt. 30.03.2015Common Entrance Examination for Christian Minority, 2015
3835 dt. 18.03.2015E-Pradan of IFMS mandatory from 01.04.2015 in Education Dte
239-Edn dt. 16.03.2015Admission into B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. courses, 2015-2016
207-Edn dt. 03.03.2015Universities will conduct On-line Admission Process, 2015-16
58-Edn dt. 27.01.2015Conduct of Elections to the Students’ Unions in Higher Education
85-L dt. 21.01.2015Raiganj University Act, 2014
44-Edn dt. 20.01.2015Dearness Allowance to the Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees
40-Edn dt. 19.01.2015Dearness Relief to the Teaching and Non-Teaching Pensioners
60-L dt. 16.01.2015WBUT Training, Education, Planning & Administration Act, 2014
956-Edn dt. 28.11.2014Performance-cum-Need Based Incentive Scheme for Colleges
908-Edn dt. 17.11.2014Introduction of Online Admission into U.G. and P.G. from 2015-16
1262-Edn dt. 14.11.2014CAS, Redesignation of Teachers, Librarians in Govt. Colleges
1097-Edn dt. 14.11.2014Career Advancement of Staffs of State-aided Universities
1094-Edn dt. 14.11.2014Conduct of Elections to the Students’ Unions in Higher Education
922-Edn dt. 14.11.2014CAS for teachers/ staff of colleges and State-aided Universities
1865-HE dt. 30.10.2014RTI Appellate Authority in Higher Education Department, 2014
GH-354 dt. 22.10.2014Information on the status of Sanskrit Education in the State
F.14-8 dt. 20.10.2014Rights of Transgender Community in Indian Society
999-Edn dt. 04.10.2014Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University – First Vice-Chancellor
998-Edn dt. 29.09.2014Vice Chancellor of Jadavpur University – Prof. A Chakrabarti
989-Edn dt. 26.09.2014Grant of Adhoc Bonus to PTTs and CWTTs (NBU) for 2013-14
ED-871 dt. 24.09.2014Grant of Adhoc Bonus to PTTs and CWTTs (General) for 2013-14
447-Edn dt. 24.09.2014Grant of Adhoc Bonus to PTTs and CWTTs (Technical) for 2013-14
768-Edn dt. 15.09.2014Committee regarding Uniformity in Fee Structure in Colleges
716-Edn dt. 01.09.2014Guidelines regarding Academic Matters related to B.Ed Course
715-Edn dt. 01.09.2014Constitution of Inspection Team for Self-financed B.Ed Colleges
702-Edn dt. 27.08.2014Revised Pay Structure i.r.o. Whole Time Teaching Staff and Librarian
700-Edn dt. 26.08.2014Constitution of Committee for Transparency in Fund Management
696-Edn dt. 26.08.2014Proposal for Financial Grant for Government-aided Colleges
691-Edn dt. 25.08.2014Online Admission from 2015-16 and implementation of COSA
893-Edn dt. 21.08.2014Educational Qualification for Members of Governing Bodies
892-Edn dt. 21.08.2014Constitution of Statute Drafting Committee for Universities
882-Edn dt. 21.08.2014Creation of posts for the new campus of North Bengal University
678-Edn dt. 20.08.2014West Bengal State Student Youth Science Fair, 2014
376-Edn dt. 12.08.2014Guidelines on Admission through Lateral Entry Scheme, 2014-15
375-Edn dt. 12.08.2014Admission to Masters of Computer Application Course, 2014-15
367-Edn dt. 01.08.2014Tuition Fee Waiver Schemes at Engg. and Technology Institutes
806-Edn dt. 28.07.2014Mandatory Implementation of COSA For drawal of Salary Bills
800-Edn dt. 24.07.2014Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2013-14
799-Edn dt. 24.07.2014Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance in Higher Education
720-Gen dt. 23.07.2014Capacity Building and Review meeting for Kanyashree Prakalpo
324-Edn dt. 08.07.2014e-Counseling for admission in different Engineering Colleges
290-Edn dt. 27.06.2014Nodal Officer for e-Counseling Programme, 2014
291-Edn dt. 26.06.2014Security at Reporting Centers and management of e-Counseling
684-Edn dt. 25.06.2014Enrolment under Kanyashree Prakalpa
270-Edn dt. 20.06.2014West Bengal Free-Ship Scheme in Engineering Colleges
269-Edn dt. 19.06.2014Fee Structure of Engineering & Technology Colleges
268-Edn dt. 18.06.2014e-Counselling & Admission by WBJEEB for 2014-15
466-Edn dt. 12.06.2014Financial Grant for Govt. Aided Colleges: Guideline
1-Edu dt. 29.05.2014Admission Procedure of Higher Education Institution
51/CS dt. 22.05.2014Format of Seat Matrix for WBJEEB 2014-15
ED-437 dt. 02.04.2014Reservation in Admission in Colleges of West Bengal
110-Edn dt. 07.03.2014Common Entrance Test by AMPAI for Admission to Engg.
297-Edn dt. 04.03.2014Implementation of Reservation Rules in Admission to University
83-Edn dt. 28.02.2014Introduction of Online Admission into UG Courses from 2014-15
ED-49 dt. 21.01.2014Fee-Structure for two year B.Ed course through ODL mode
67-Edn dt. 16.01.2014Competent Issuing authority of Residential/ Domicile Certificate
65-Edn dt. 16.01.2014Policy of Reservation to Persons with Disabilities
11-L dt. 06.01.2014Bankura University Act, 2013
07-Edn dt. 02.01.2014State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Rules
982-Edn dt. 30.12.2013Norms for Recruitment of Principal in Govt-aided/ affiliated Colleges
ED-1204 dt. 24.12.2013Abolition of posts beyond the sanctioned staff pattern in Colleges
1858-HE dt. 14.11.2013Designated /Appellate /Reviewing Officer in Higher Education
1087-Edn dt. 08.11.2013Education Commission of West Bengal – Revised
1049-Edn dt. 25.10.2013Conversion to Technology Department of Calcutta University
ED-1027 dt. 21.10.2013Visits to the Universities /Institutions to enquire the status of SC
1004-Edn dt. 07.10.2013Transfer of Land for 2nd Campus of North Bengal University
992-Edn dt. 01.10.2013Education Commission of West Bengal – Terms of Reference
972-Edn dt. 25.09.2013Advisory for resuming elections to Students’ Unions
416-Edn dt. 09.09.2013Admission through Decentralized Counseling for MCA, 2013-14
892-Edn dt. 30.08.2013Ad-hoc Bonus to Employees of State-Aided University, 2012-13
394-Edn dt. 08.08.2013Guidelines on admission through Lateral Entry Scheme, 2013-14
ED- dt. 02.07.2013Timely submission of papers for pensionary benefits
558-Edn dt. 14.06.2013Clarification regarding CAS in Government Aided Colleges
324-Edn dt. 14.06.2013Online Counselling for Admission into 1st Year U.G., 2013-14
325-Edn dt. 14.06.2013Ceiling of Tuition Fee in Engineering Colleges from 2013
326-Edn dt. 14.06.2013Revised West Bengal Free-ship Scheme to be effective wef 2013-14
952-L dt. 12.06.2013Presidency University (Amendment) Act, 2013
ED-321 dt. 17.05.2013Change of last date of release of deputed teachers of B.Ed. course
746-L dt. 30.04.2013WB State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act
418-Edn dt. 30.04.2013Enhancement of remuneration of Part-time Teachers (PTTs)
ED-272 dt. 24.04.2013Introduction of one year Bridge course through ODL mode
ED-271 dt. 24.04.2013B.Ed Training for school teachers teaching class IX onwards
419-Edn dt. 18.04.2013Upper Age Limit for Appointment in Colleges and Universities
ED-258 dt. 17.04.2013Remuneration of PTTs and Contractual Whole Time Teachers
ED-201 dt. 20.03.2013Sparing Institutes /Colleges for holding TET Examination
97-ILC dt. 12.03.2013Absence of normal duties by the employees of college
289-Edn dt. 08.03.2013Absence of normal duties by the employees of University
282-Edn dt. 07.03.2013Election to the students’ unions in the Universities and Colleges
ED-153 dt. 06.03.2013Fixation of Pay of all Principals /TIC
1206-Edn dt. 01.03.2013Processes related to elections to Students Unions
222-Edn dt. 18.02.2013Elections to Students Unions in the Universities and Colleges
114-Edn dt. 11.02.2013Deposit of 50% Tuition Fees (Actual Income) by Colleges to Govt.
196-Edn dt. 07.02.2013West Bengal Govt. Policy for setting-up Private Universities
190-L dt. 28.01.2013Diamond Harbour Women’s University Act, 2012
1197-Edn dt. 31.12.2012CAS for the Teachers of State-aided-Universities
1196-Edn dt. 31.12.2012CAS of Teachers, Librarians, Physical Instructors in Colleges
920-Edn dt. 31.12.2012CAS of Teachers, Librarians, Physical Instructors of Colleges
857-Edn dt. 13.12.2012Recruitment Rules for Librarian in Govt aided Colleges
856-Edn dt. 13.12.2012Recruitment Rules for Assistant Professor in Govt-aided Colleges
1204-L dt. 16.08.2012Cooch Behar Pancahanan Barma University Act, 2012
1202-L dt. 16.08.2012Kazi Nazrul University Act, 2012
643-Edn dt. 28.06.2012Permission for doing B.Ed. Training for deputed School Teachers
246-Edn dt. 06.06.2012Ceiling of Tuition Fee in Engineering Colleges from 2012
456-Edn dt. 28.06.2012Permission for doing B.Ed. Training for deputed School Teachers
197-Edn dt. 17.04.2012Guidelines on admission through Lateral Entry Scheme, 2012-13
592/C dt. 20.03.2012Delayed Submission of Pension Papers in Non-Govt. Colleges
234-Edn dt. 16.03.2012B.Ed. Training for deputed School Teachers having below 50% marks
188-Edn dt. 25.02.2012Re-designation/ Placement of incumbent Reader/ Lecturer
ED-103 dt. 17.02.2012Rationalization of Vacant Teaching Posts
ED-80 dt. 10.02.2012Celebration of International Mother Language Day
79-Edn dt. 30.01.2012Payment of 20% of arrears to the State Aided University
480-Edn dt. 31.10.2011Inspection of Engineering and Technology Institutes
272-Edn dt. 01.07.2011Half-tuition fee waiver or Half-freeship Scheme
412-Edn dt. 03.06.2011Modification Order regarding Engagement of CWTTs
162-Edn dt. 17.02.2011Special allowance of Principal of State-aided colleges
ED-521 dt. 14.02.2011Submission of claims of the existing Part-time teachers (PTTS)
131-Edn dt. 04.02.2011Revision of Pension of pre-01.01.06 of State aided Colleges
952-Edn dt. 09.12.2010Contractual Whole Time Teachers of State Aided Colleges
942-Edn dt. 08.12.2010Grant of Relief pension family pension of the Non. Govt. Colleges
802-Edn dt. 11.10.2010Revised upper limit of gratuity payable to pensioners
751-Edn dt. 21.09.2010General Conditions for Engagement of PTTs
858-Edn dt. 09.09.2010Revision of Pension of pre 01.01.06 Pensioners – Modification
857-Edn dt. 09.09.2010Revision of Pension of pre 01.01.06 Pensioners – Modification
856-Edn dt. 09.09.2010Revision of Pension of pre 01.01.06 Pensioners (Teaching Staff)
689-Edn dt. 26.08.2010No Fresh Engagement of Part Time Teachers (PTTS)
434-Edn dt. 26.07.2010Revision of Pay Scales of Principal, Teachers and Librarians
1047-L dt. 07.07.2010Presidency University Act, 2010
1043-L dt. 06.07.2010Sidho Kanho Birsha University Act, 2010
521-Edn dt. 01.07.2010Payment of arrears in r/o post 01.01.2006 pensioner
493-Edn dt. 16.06.2010Revision of pension of Pre-01.01.06 pensioner (state aided)
492-Edn dt. 16.06.2010Revision of pension of Pre-01.01.06 pensioner of colleges
491-Edn dt. 16.06.2010Revision of pension
490-Edn dt. 16.06.2010Revision of pension of Pre-01.01.06 pensioner of colleges
489-Edn dt. 13.04.2010Revision of Pension of Post 01.01.2006 Pensioners
461-Edn dt. 08.06.2010CAS benefit to the Teachers of Universities and Colleges
404-Edn dt. 18.05.2010Corrigendum of GO. No. 561-Edn dt. 09.09.2009
2582-F dt. 06.04.2010DA to Employees (pre-revised scale) of Non. Govt. Institution
2581-F dt. 06.04.2010Grant of D. A. to the employees of the Non-Govt. Institution
196-Edn dt. 22.03.2010Revision of pension of pre 01.01.06 pensioners of teaching staff
195-Edn dt. 22.03.2010Revision of pension/ Family pension of post 01.01.06 pensioners
112-Edn dt. 18.02.2010Revision of pension/ Family pension in respect of pensioners
88-Edn dt. 18.02.2010Clarifications on redesignation of teachers
63-Edn dt. 29.01.2010Grant of relief on pension to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners
1-TET dt. 01.01.2010Revision of pension benefits in WB Non-Govt. Technical Institutions
859-Edn dt. 30.12.2009Payment of 20% arreas of State aided Colleges
762-Edn dt. 03.12.2009Uniform Leave Rules for Whole Time Teachers of Colleges
10570-F dt. 25.11.2009ROPA Rules for non-teaching employees of State Aided Universities
622-Edn dt. 12.10.2009Revision of 01.01.06 Pension in r/o State aided non-Govt. college
609-Edn dt. 24.09.2009Corrigendum of Order No. 533-Edn dated 28.08.2009
592-Edn dt. 22.09.2009Ex-gratia payment to Pensioner of Non-Govt. Colleges
887-Edn dt. 14.09.2009CAS for Physical Instructor/ Instructress in Govt. Colleges
573-Edn dt. 14.09.2009Clarification on GO. No. 561-Edn dt. 09.09.2009
561-Edn dt. 09.09.2009Revision pension of the Non-Govt college teachers
864-Edn dt. 28.08.2009Revision of pay structures of the Principal, Teachers, Librarians
533-Edn dt. 28.08.2009Pay structures of Principals, Teachers, Assistant Librarians
446-Edn dt. 08.07.2009Ad-hoc pension of Teaching and equivalent pensioners
632-F dt. 13.07.2009Additional pension
288-Edn dt. 21.05.2009Pay Scale of Principal, Teacher, Librarian, Physical Instructor
741-HE dt. 30.04.2009Creation of posts in the Directorate of State Archives
277-Edn dt. 21.04.2009ROPA, 2009 in respect of State aided Non-Govt. colleges
268-Edn dt. 09.04.2009Release of Provident Fund money transfer credited
50-Edn dt 09.03.2009Grant of enhanced D.A./A.D.A. to various employees
51-Edn dt 09.03.2009Grant of enhanced D.A./A.D.A. to various employees
145-Edn dt. 27.02.2009Revision of scale of pay of the Non-teaching employees
144-Edn dt. 27.02.2009Revision of scale of pay of the Principles, Teachers, Librarians etc.
61-Edn dt. 27.01.2009Creation of Temp. Post for State Aided Universities
46-Edn dt. 20.01.2009Creation of temporary posts of aided universities
677-Edn dt. 04.12.2008CAS for Librarians and physical Instructor in non-Govt. Colleges
936-Edn dt. 16.10.2008Expert Committee Report on up-gradation of Presidency College
50-Edn dt. 20.06.2008Grant of DA/ADA to Non-Govt. Edn. Institutions
1718-F dt. 03.03.2008Principal/Teacher-in-charge of Colleges to function as DDO
274-L dt. 21.02.2008West Bengal State University Act (Barasat), 2007
251-L dt. 18.02.2008Gour Banga University Act, 2007
44-Edn dt. 28.01.2008Uniform Leave Rules for Whole Time Teachers of Universities
1461-L dt. 20.07.2000West Bengal University of Technology Act, 2000
85-Edn dt. 31.01.2000West Bengal State-aided Universities (DCRB) Scheme, 1999
84-Edn dt. 31.01.2000Modified West Bengal State-aided Universities (DCRB) Scheme, 1986
83-Edn dt. 31.01.2000WB State-aided Universities (DCRB-Pre-1.1.96) Scheme, 1996
2006-L dt. 20.08.1997Netaji Subhas Open University Act, 1997
Nil dt. 22.12.1981Kalyani University Act, 1981
Nil dt. 26.10.1981Rabindra Bharati Act, 1981
Nil dt. 16.09.1981North Bengal University Act, 1981
Nil dt. 08.09.1981Jadavpur University Act, 1981
Nil dt. 10.08.1981Burdwan University Act, 1981
Nil dt. 24.06.1981Vidyasagar University Act, 1981
Nil dt. 31.12.1979Calcutta University Act, 1979

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